I want to move onto a bit more of a fun project, tcp packet handling
it won't be the full tcp, just a wrapper on udp, so not actually a transport protocol but hey
- basic client/server system
- sliding window
- ack/retry
- checksum
- send the bee movie script
- reset connection idk what it means tbh
- sync seq nums, again not sure
- connect to another computer on the same network/virtualized
- urgent pointers
- interacting with the IP layer, and actually creating a tcp protocol that all computers can work with
- maybe a tui? (later down the line I want to make my own http on this protocol, and then maybe a postman tui clone) but that being said, a tui dashboard of acks rolling through, throughput of packets, etc, could be siiiiick
Got Something basic working it is stuuuupid slow though, only like 89MB/s ~ 719Mb/s this should be orders of magnitude faster, did some testing of the std implementations of these tcdp sockets and it appears it is around 10-100x faster not bad for a first go, not great, might go back to it but this is fast enough to put http on.
to be able to put http on it though, it needs a full duplex, not the send only, and recieve only I need to be able to say to the socket, wait for a string to come in and send a string