Documentation for using gameservers on events
in this example we use two servers; 1 gameserver and 1 webserver
note all your IP information beforehand
git clone
cd Docker-BGPanel
add mysql user for config automator (confomator) use environment parameter?
change Dockerfile line 46 to your password
build the container: upload to hub.docker ?
docker build --tag bgpanel:1.0 .
start the container
docker run --name "bgpanel" -p 31337:80 -p 3308:3306 bgpanel:1.0
If no errors are show, go to your bgpanel URL
in this example we use a proxy trough port 31337 to add ssl support to bgpanel and 3308 for mysql
in this example bgpanel url = gamepanel.domain.tld
navigate to bgpanel url and enter all your gameserver IP information. Please note the BOX id's, server IP's and gameservers in \postman\assets\csgo.xlsx
use 1 core per gameserver if your CPU is =< Sandy Bridge
the csgo server instances use seperate folders in the following notation /home/game/csgo-00, where 00 is the instance number
grab your tokens from
save the bgpanel tab as csv
import the bgpanel json collection in postman
grab your session cookies and insert them in the postman collection
import the csv using the Postman runner
note the gameserver id's for later use to validate the gameservers
cd BGPanel-DCD
composer update
set vhost root to the index.php eg. comfomator.domain.tld
php configGetter.php
does a request to the index.php of the generator.
DCD checks the RemoteADDR of the request and links a BGPanel Box.
DCD returns a json encoded string with all the configfiles + paths.
ConfigGetter does a callback at the end of the run, with the success/error rate
Goto https://{$url}/dashboard.php to get a overview of the Boxes and status of config callbacks
Edit src/BGPanel/Db.php
set the Mysql credentials to the BGPanel Database
- Create a GameConfig php in
. copy for example CSGO.php - Add bgpanel 'gameid' to the switchcase in
function, and map to the GameConfig create in step 1. - Create a folder + template in
folder. if possible use the same structure as on the gameserver in the GamePath. (if not, you can overwrite this path, look atGameConfig/csgo.php
for example). - Add all needed configFiles in .twig templates, and add those to the TemplateData array in your GameConfig PHP.
apt install php7.2-mysql composer lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6 steamcmd screen
adduser game
homedir we use: /home/game/
git clone
chmod +x
chmod +x
#if you have fast internet or lancache, run else run
#if you want to save diskspace, use symbolic links for the vdf files
#if you have tips for using one base dir, let me know?
Running the ConfigGetter in cronjob to fetch and apply the latest configs
cd BGPanel-DCD
composer update
Edit ConfigGetter.php
private static $dcdConfigUrl = ''
to the URL the DCD configGenerator is running
Add CronJob:
* * * * * flock -n /tmp/dcd-deployment.lock -c "/usr/bin/php /home/game/BGPanel-DCD/ConfigGetter.php >> /home/game/dcd-configgetter.log 2>&1"
php configGetter.php debug
to enable debugOutput + skip random sleep
return to postman and run the validateGameServer collection using a csv with the gameservers ID you've noted earlier
Go to your bgpanel URL and check if the servers are able to start
export the HLSW tab \postman\assets\csgo.xlsx to a txt file
Import the txt file in HLSW
Check if the servers are online
cd /docker-ebot
change your admins passwords and NIC IP in docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
Login to the ebot url grab your cookie and put it in the postman collecion named eBot
run the postman runner using the eBot tab in postman\assets\csgo.xlsx
Great thanks to the sources i've used: