- node
- npm
- vue-cli
- mongoDB
If you want to use Docker
- docker
- docker-compose
In both the server and client folder run
npm install
before starting the first time or if dependencies change.
In the server folder run
npm run dev
to start dev environment, by default the back-end will be reachable under localhost:8081.
For seeding the DB:
Have mongoDB running and in the server folder run
node seeds/index.js
In the client folder rename .env.dev to .env, so the client nows where to reach the backend and run
npm run serve
to start dev environment. The site will be reachable under localhost:8082 by default.
If you want to use docker to check if the deployment works you can run
docker-compose up --build
and test if everything ist working correctly.
For seeding the DB inside the mongo container uncomment the seed section in the docker-compose.yml before executing. Since we are also using a mongo-express container, you can use the GUI under localhost:8085 to interact with the DB.