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chore: start with Riverpod integration
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robert-virkus committed Oct 5, 2023
1 parent 79d919e commit e739166
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Showing 54 changed files with 3,273 additions and 2,923 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .vscode/settings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
217 changes: 200 additions & 17 deletions analysis_options.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,28 +11,211 @@ include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml

# cSpell:disable
- dart_code_metrics #
#- custom_lint
todo: ignore # use separate tooling to display todos (eg Todo Tree in VSCode)
- '**/*.g.*'

- long-method
- long-parameter-list
cyclomatic-complexity: 20
maximum-nesting-level: 7
number-of-parameters: 10
source-lines-of-code: 100
- test/**
- newline-before-return
- no-boolean-literal-compare
- no-empty-block
- prefer-trailing-comma
- prefer-conditional-expressions
- no-equal-then-else
- avoid-non-null-assertion

# The lint rules applied to this project can be customized in the
# section below to disable rules from the `package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml`
# included above or to enable additional rules. A list of all available lints
# and their documentation is published at
# Instead of disabling a lint rule for the entire project in the
# section below, it can also be suppressed for a single line of code
# or a specific dart file by using the `// ignore: name_of_lint` and
# `// ignore_for_file: name_of_lint` syntax on the line or in the file
# producing the lint.

# avoid_print: false # Uncomment to disable the `avoid_print` rule
# prefer_single_quotes: true # Uncomment to enable the `prefer_single_quotes` rule

# Additional information about this file can be found at
- always_declare_return_types
# - always_put_control_body_on_new_line # No real benefit. Readability is better without
# - always_put_required_named_parameters_first # We mostly put optional "Key" first.
- always_require_non_null_named_parameters
# - always_specify_types # No - Then we need to add types everywhere
# - always_use_package_imports # We are using relative Imports inside of the LIB
- annotate_overrides
# - avoid_annotating_with_dynamic # We want to be explicit if we do use dynamic
- avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions
# - avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
- avoid_catching_errors
# - avoid_classes_with_only_static_members # We follow this approach for DSTextStyles and DSIcons. We can enable it if we change that.
- avoid_double_and_int_checks
- avoid_dynamic_calls
- avoid_empty_else
- avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes
- avoid_escaping_inner_quotes
- avoid_field_initializers_in_const_classes
- avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls
- avoid_implementing_value_types
- avoid_init_to_null
- avoid_js_rounded_ints
- avoid_multiple_declarations_per_line
- avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators
# - avoid_positional_boolean_parameters # disabled to allow methods that can be directly assigned to ValueChanged<bool> callbacks.
- avoid_print
- avoid_private_typedef_functions
- avoid_redundant_argument_values
- avoid_relative_lib_imports
- avoid_renaming_method_parameters
- avoid_return_types_on_setters
- avoid_returning_null
- avoid_returning_null_for_future
- avoid_returning_null_for_void
- avoid_returning_this
- avoid_setters_without_getters
- avoid_shadowing_type_parameters
- avoid_single_cascade_in_expression_statements
- avoid_slow_async_io
- avoid_type_to_string
- avoid_types_as_parameter_names
# - avoid_types_on_closure_parameters # Sometimes it is useful to define the type.
- avoid_unnecessary_containers
- avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
- avoid_void_async
# - avoid_web_libraries_in_flutter # We currently need them
- await_only_futures
- camel_case_extensions
- camel_case_types
- cancel_subscriptions
- cascade_invocations
- cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
- close_sinks
- collection_methods_unrelated_type
# - comment_references # We want proper/cross-file linking in the docs
- constant_identifier_names
- control_flow_in_finally
- curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures
- deprecated_consistency
# - diagnostic_describe_all_properties # We do not use diagnostics atm
- directives_ordering
- do_not_use_environment
- empty_catches
- empty_constructor_bodies
- empty_statements
- exhaustive_cases
- file_names
- flutter_style_todos
- hash_and_equals
- implementation_imports
- join_return_with_assignment
- leading_newlines_in_multiline_strings
- library_names
- library_prefixes
- lines_longer_than_80_chars
- literal_only_boolean_expressions
- missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings
- no_adjacent_strings_in_list
- no_default_cases
- no_duplicate_case_values
- no_logic_in_create_state
- no_runtimeType_toString
- non_constant_identifier_names
- null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter
- null_closures
# - omit_local_variable_types # Do not enable this. We want to specify the types in lambdas (e.g. to get auto completion).
- one_member_abstracts
- only_throw_errors
- overridden_fields
- package_api_docs
- package_names
- package_prefixed_library_names
- parameter_assignments
- prefer_asserts_in_initializer_lists
# - prefer_asserts_with_message # Keep this optional for complex cases but do not require it.
- prefer_collection_literals
- prefer_conditional_assignment
# - prefer_const_constructors # might be something for the future - skip for now.
# - prefer_const_constructors_in_immutables # might be something for the future - skip for now.
- prefer_const_declarations
- prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables
# - prefer_constructors_over_static_methods # this currently interfers with our current theming approach as we use static methods there to create instances.- prefer_adjacent_string_concatenation
- prefer_contains
- prefer_expression_function_bodies
- prefer_final_fields
- prefer_final_in_for_each
- prefer_final_locals
- prefer_for_elements_to_map_fromIterable
- prefer_foreach
- prefer_function_declarations_over_variables
- prefer_generic_function_type_aliases
- prefer_if_elements_to_conditional_expressions
- prefer_if_null_operators
- prefer_initializing_formals
- prefer_inlined_adds
- prefer_int_literals
- prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
- prefer_is_empty
- prefer_is_not_empty
- prefer_is_not_operator
- prefer_iterable_whereType
- prefer_mixin
- prefer_null_aware_operators
- prefer_relative_imports
- prefer_single_quotes
- prefer_spread_collections
- prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables
- prefer_void_to_null
- provide_deprecation_message
- public_member_api_docs
- recursive_getters
- sized_box_for_whitespace
- slash_for_doc_comments
- sort_child_properties_last
- sort_constructors_first
- sort_pub_dependencies
- sort_unnamed_constructors_first
- use_super_parameters
- test_types_in_equals
- throw_in_finally
- tighten_type_of_initializing_formals
- type_annotate_public_apis
- type_init_formals
- unawaited_futures
- unnecessary_await_in_return
- unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
- unnecessary_const
- unnecessary_getters_setters
- unnecessary_lambdas
- unnecessary_new
- unnecessary_null_aware_assignments
- unnecessary_null_checks
- unnecessary_null_in_if_null_operators
- unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations
- unnecessary_overrides
- unnecessary_parenthesis
- unnecessary_raw_strings
- unnecessary_statements
- unnecessary_string_escapes
- unnecessary_string_interpolations
- unnecessary_this
- unrelated_type_equality_checks
- unsafe_html
- use_build_context_synchronously
- use_full_hex_values_for_flutter_colors
- use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters
- use_if_null_to_convert_nulls_to_bools
- use_is_even_rather_than_modulo
- use_key_in_widget_constructors
- use_late_for_private_fields_and_variables
- use_named_constants
- use_raw_strings
- use_rethrow_when_possible
- use_setters_to_change_properties
- use_string_buffers
- use_to_and_as_if_applicable
- valid_regexps
- void_checks
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions lib/account/providers.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import 'package:enough_mail_app/models/account.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';

part 'providers.g.dart';

/// Retrieves the list of real accounts
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
List<RealAccount> realAccounts(RealAccountsRef ref) {
throw UnimplementedError();

/// Retrieves the current account
Raw<Account?> currentAccount(CurrentAccountRef ref) {
throw UnimplementedError();
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions lib/account/providers.g.dart

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions lib/account/storage.dart
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';

import '../models/account.dart';

/// Allows to load and store accounts
class AccountStorage {
/// Creates a new [AccountStorage]
const AccountStorage();

static const String _keyAccounts = 'accts';
final _storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();

/// Loads the accounts from the storage
Future<List<RealAccount>> loadAccounts() async {
final jsonText = await _keyAccounts);
if (jsonText == null) {
return <RealAccount>[];
final accountsJson = jsonDecode(jsonText) as List;
try {
return => RealAccount.fromJson(json)).toList();
} catch (e) {
if (kDebugMode) {
print('Unable to parse accounts: $e');
return <RealAccount>[];

/// Saves the given [accounts] to the storage
Future<void> saveAccounts(List<Account> accounts) {
final accountsJson =
accounts.whereType<RealAccount>().map((a) => (a).toJson()).toList();
final json = jsonEncode(accountsJson);
return _storage.write(key: _keyAccounts, value: json);

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