Rewritten configuration / preconditions / unox support
0.3.0 includes a lot of small improvements towards different areas:
- you can now chose the dotenv file to be used by docker-sync using setting DOCKER_SYNC_ENV_FILE
- the configuration has been rewritten, huge thank you to @ignatiusreza for his effort. This was done to support better scaffolding ( inline configuration loading ), prepare linux support ( or windows cygwin ) and to simplify the code / reduce its madness factor
- the precondition checks have been reworked to be simpler and more convinient
- unox has now been packaged using brew, which makes the installation of unox/unison easier
- unox has been upgrading to use watchdog instead of macfsevents, which should improve performance
- several installation issues have been fixed
- stopping docker-sync now runs synchronously, avoiding accidental race conditions
Thank you a lot for the contributions guys, a lot of team effort in this release!