A chrome extension prototype for a calender that helps you in learning phases. For a media education seminar called MP4 in summer term 2014
This project is a Google Chrome Extension written in CoffeScript. You need to follow this tutorial to enable full CoffeeScript support:
You will need to
- Install the CoffeeScript transpiler
- Create a File Watcher
- Open the Settings > JavaScript > Libraries and add the js/lib directory for the project
- Learn CoffeeScript ;)
- Read and understand the Chrome Developer Guides
- Contribute
The calendar icon is created by:
- Martz90 used under Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND 3.0
- chrome_extensions.js from the Google Closure Compiler Project used under Apache License, yet just needed in the development environment
- FullCalendar by Adam Shaw used under MIT License
- Bootstrap 3 used under MIT License
- jQuery used under MIT License
- jQuery UI used under MIT License
- Moment.js used under MIT License