A C#/.net wrapper for the MyParcel.nl API
MyParcelApi.Net can easily be installed using the NuGet package
Install-Package MyParcelApi
Just create a new MyParcelApiClient
with your own API key.
API keys are available on MyParcel.nl. Check the API documentation here
var client = new MyParcelApiClient("FILL IN KEY HERE");
Add shipments allows you to create standard shipments.
var shipments = new List<Shipment>
new Shipment
Recipient = new Address
Country = "NL",
City = "Hoofddorp",
Street = "Siriusdreef",
Number = "66",
PostalCode = "2132WT",
Person = "Mr. Parcel",
Phone = "0213030315",
Email = "[email protected]"
Options = new ShipmentOptions
PackageType = PackageType.Package,
OnlyRecipient = true,
Signature = true,
Return = true,
Insurance = new Price
Amount = 50000,
Currency = "EUR"
LargeFormat = false
Carrier = Carrier.PostNl
new Shipment
Recipient = new Address
Country = "NL",
City = "Amsterdam",
Street = "Dorpstraat",
Number = "123",
PostalCode = "1020BC",
Person = "Mrs. Parcel",
Phone = "02012343546",
Email = "[email protected]"
Options = new ShipmentOptions
PackageType = PackageType.Package,
OnlyRecipient = false,
Signature = false,
Return = false
Carrier = Carrier.PostNl
var shipmentIds = await client.AddShipment(shipments.ToArray());
foreach (var shipmentId in shipmentIds)
Add return shipments allows you to create related return shipments.
var returnShipments = new List<ReturnShipment>
new ReturnShipment
Parent = 5,
Carrier = Carrier.PostNl,
Email = "testing@myparcel",
Name = "Mr. Parcel",
Options = new ShipmentOptions
PackageType = PackageType.Package,
OnlyRecipient = false,
Signature = true,
Return = false,
Insurance = new Price
Amount = 50,
Currency = "EUR"
var shipmentIds = await client.AddReturnShipment(returnShipments.ToArray());
foreach (var shipmentId in shipmentIds)
Add unrelated return shipments allows you to create unrelated return shipments.
var returnShipments = new List<ReturnShipment>
new ReturnShipment
Carrier = Carrier.PostNl,
Email = "testing@myparcel",
Name = "Test",
Options = new ShipmentOptions
PackageType = PackageType.Package,
OnlyRecipient = false,
Signature = false,
Return = false,
Insurance = new Price
Amount = 0,
Currency = "EUR"
LargeFormat = false,
CooledDelivery = true,
LabelDescription = "test"
var shipmentIds = await client.AddUnrelatedReturnShipment(returnShipments.ToArray());
foreach (var shipmentId in shipmentIds)
Use this function to remove shipments. You can specify multiple shipment ids. Only shipments with status 'pending - concept' can be deleted.
var success = await client.DeleteShipment(new[] { 1234 });
This function is for external parties to facilitate return shipments on a dedicated part of their website, mainly when offering reverse logistics e.g. repair services. It will allow the consumer to send packages to the merchant directly from the merchant's website.
var downloadUrl = await client.GenerateUnrelatedReturnShipment();
With this function you can get shipments. You can use the 'q' query parameter to search for shipments. Multiple shipment ids can be specified.
var shipments = await client.GetShipment();
foreach (var shipment in shipments)
Get shipment label. You can specify label format and starting position of labels on the first page with the FORMAT and POSITION query parameters. The POSITION parameter only works when you specify the A4 format and is only applied on the first page with labels.
var result = await client.GetShipmentLabel(shipmentIds.ToArray(), "A4", new[] { 3, 4 });
if (result is Stream)
using (var stream = (Stream)result)
using (var fs = new FileStream(@"C:\Temp\test.pdf", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
await stream.CopyToAsync(fs);
else if (result is PaymentInstruction[])
var paymentInstructions = (PaymentInstruction[])result;
Get shipment label. You can specify label format and starting position of labels on the first page with the FORMAT and POSITION query parameters. The POSITION parameter only works when you specify the A4 format and is only applied on the first page with labels.
var downloadLink = await client.GetShipmentLabelDownloadLink(new[] { 12 });
Get detailed track and trace information for a shipment.
var trackTraces = await client.TrackShipment(new[] { 12 });
foreach (var trackTrace in trackTraces)
Get the delivery options for a given location and carrier. If none of the optional parameters are specified then the following default will be used: If a request is made for the delivery options between Friday after the default cutoff_time (15h30) and Monday before the default cutoff_time (15h30) then Tuesday will be shown as the next possible delivery date.
var deliveryOptions = await client.GetDeliveryOptions("NL", "2132WT", "66", Carrier.PostNl);
foreach (var deliveryOption in deliveryOptions.DeliveryOptions)
foreach (var pickupOption in deliveryOptions.PickupOptions)
Use this function to subscribe to an event in the API.
var subscriptions = new List<Subscription>
new Subscription
Hook = "shipment_status_change",
Url = "https://seoshop.nl/myparcel/notifications"
var subscriptionIds = await client.AddSubscription(subscriptions.ToArray());
foreach (var subscriptionId in subscriptionIds)
Use this function to delete webhook subscriptions. You can specify multiple subscription ids.
var success = await client.DeleteSubscription(new[] { 1 });
Use this function to fetch webhook subscriptions. You can specify multiple subscription ids.
var susbcriptions = await client.GetSubscription(new[] { 1 });
foreach (var subscription in susbcriptions)