Submitted by: Felipe Chicaiza
This web app: This is a web app for flashcards for people to study Java Basic consepts Users will be able to study cards in a randomized order
Time spent: 1 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- [ x] The user can enter their guess in a box before seeing the flipside of the card
- [ x] Clicking on a submit button shows visual feedback about whether the answer was correct or incorrect
- [ x] A back button is displayed on the card and can be used to return to the previous card in a set sequence
- [ x] A next button is displayed on the card and can be used to navigate to the next card in a set sequence
The following optional features are implemented:
- [ x] A user's answer may be counted as correct even when it is slightly different from the target answer
- [ x] A counter displays the user's current and longest streak of correct responses
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
GIF created with ...
The next button was the hardest part getting it to go back and forth