These Python-based Fr8 Terminals work with the Fr8 ecosystem. Fr8 is an open source cloud based integration platform (iPaaS).
Fr8 Terminals communicate with Fr8 Hubs using RESTful endpoints, Http, and JSON. The SDK portion of this repository provides tools to make it easier for Terminals to be created and to keep things DRY. For example, there are object mapper classes that allow Python developers to avoid having to personally deal with the serialization and deserialization of Python objects into JSON.
The Python SDK services are admittedly in an early stage of development. (To get a sense of the roadmap, you may want to look at the more mature .NET SDK)
Currently, this repository contains a single Terminal, the Fr8 Twitter Terminal. This Terminal exposes useful Twitter services to Fr8 Plans via a set of Activities.
Join the discussion here in the Issues list and in the #fr8dev-python channel on the public Fr8 Slack Team.
You only need to clone this repo if you want to build or modify Fr8 Terminals written in Python. Before doing so, make sure you're familiar with Fr8 as an end user by building Fr8 Plans at the main Fr8 website.
Read the development guides, especially the Terminal Development Guide.
Clone this repo.
Choose a development approach. The Fr8 service at uses Heroku to deploy production and dev Python Terminals.
Install Python 2.7
Go to "root/terminalTwitter" folder
Install virtual environment for Python
~ cd ~/fr8.python/terminalTwitter ~ pip install virtualenv ~ virtualenv venv ~ venv\scripts\activate
Install required packages
~ pip install Flask ~ pip install tweepy
Run self-hosted Flask application:
~ export PYTHONPATH=".." && python
- Core DTOs for performing activity discovering, external authentication, configuration, activation, deactivation and running;
- Serializers and deserializers for core DTOs;
- Core controls:
- Configuration
- DropDownList
- TextSource
- Core manifests:
- OperationalStateCM
- StandardConfigurationControlsCM
- StandardPayloadDataCM
- Core Terminal-to-Hub communication mechanisms:
- HMAC authentication support
- External authentication support
- Container payload retreiving
- Add support for internal authentication;
- Add rest of supported manifest types;
- Add rest of supported control types;
- Add support for complex OperationalStatCM conditions;
- Add support for other Terminal-To-Hub calls;
- Add support for Bottle and Django frameworks.
Package contains controls classes and their serializers/deserializers.
Package contains core DTO classes and their serializers/deserializers.
Package contains utility classes to provide Terminal-To-Hub communication. Usually user should not instantiate these classes manually, instances of these classes are provided to configure and run activy handlers.
Package contains core Crate Manifest (CM) classes and their serializers/deserializers.
Package contains TerminalHandler and ActivityStore classes. TerminalHandler should be instantiated once for whole terminal application. User usually should not instantiate ActivityStore class manually, as it is instantiated by default by TerminalHandler. More examples on TerminalHandler and ActivityStore are listed below in "Twitter terminal sample" section.
Package contains classes and functions for SDK internal use.
SDK was build on top of Flask framework, currently this is the only framework supported by SDK.
Before running Flask application instance user should register TerminalHandler instance, single instance per terminal application:
# Terminal request handler.
handler = fr8.terminal.TerminalHandler(
(activity_template_dto, activity_handler)
terminal_dto is an instance of class, which should be created manually by user.
authentication_handler is an optional parameter, which assigns authentication handler class to TerminalHandler (see Authentication Handler section below)
activities is an optional parameter, which specifies a list of available activity templates and activity handlers for the terminal.
In fact this parameter specifies a list of tuples, where for every tuple we specify activity_template_dto of type class for the first element, and activity handler class for the second element (see Activity Handler section below).
After registering TerminalHandler, user should specify Flask endpoints, which will call TerminalHandler's methods:
# Flask app instance.
app = Flask(__name__)
# Discover end-point.
def discover():
return jsonify(
# Authentication Request-Url end-point.
@app.route('/authentication/request_url', methods=['POST'])
def request_url():
return jsonify(handler.auth_request_url())
# Authentication token gathering end-point.
@app.route('/authentication/token', methods=['POST'])
def token():
return jsonify(handler.auth_token(request))
# Configure end-point.
@app.route('/activities/configure', methods=['POST'])
def configure():
return jsonify(handler.configure(request))
# Activate end-point.
@app.route('/activities/activate', methods=['POST'])
def activate():
return jsonify(handler.activate(request))
# Deactivate end-point.
@app.route('/activities/deactivate', methods=['POST'])
def deactivate():
return jsonify(handler.deactivate(request))
# Run end-point.
@app.route('/activities/Run', methods=['POST'])
def run():
return jsonify(
# Main app entry-point.
if __name__ == '__main__':
Authentication handler class must contain following methods to meet TerminalHandler interface requirements:
- def get_request_url(self) - method which returns structure;
- def extract_token(self, external_token_dto) - method which receives external_token_dto of type. Method must return instance of class. For more info please see file in Twitter terminal sample.
Full structure of Authentication Handler class:
class Handler(object):
def get_request_url(self):
return, url=redirect_url)
def extract_token(self, external_token_dto):
Activity handler class must contain following methods to meet TerminalHandler interface requirements:
def configure(self, fr8_data) - method is called when TerminalHandler receives configure call. Method should not return any data. Configure method should modify activity's crate storage. TerminalHandler automatically captures all crate storage changes and serializes them back to Hub.
fr8_data parameter is of type.
def activate(self, fr8_data) - method is called when TerminalHandler receives activate call. If activity does not contain any activation logic, simply specify pass statement. Method should not return any data. Similar to configure method, TerminalHandler automatically captures all crate storage changes and serializes them back to Hub.
fr8_data parameter is of type.
def deactivate(self, fr8_data) - method is called when TerminalHandler receives deactivate call. If activity does not contain any deactivation logic, simply specify pass statement. Method should not return any data. Similar to configure method, TerminalHandler automatically captures all crate storage changes and serializes them back to Hub.
fr8_data parameter is of type.
def run(self, fr8_data, payload, hub_communicator): - method is called when TerminalHandler receives run call.
fr8_data parameter is of type, contains all information regarding activity configuration.
payload parameter is of type, contains container's runtime information and crate storage.
hub_communicator parameter is of fr8.hub.Hub type, the instance of default Hub Communicator implementation, which provides support for Terminal-To-Hub communication.
Full structure of Activity Handler class:
class Handler(object):
def configure(self, fr8_data):
def activate(self, fr8_data):
def deactivate(self, fr8_data):
def run(self, fr8_data, payload, hub_communicator):
We're providing Twitter terminal sample to show how to integrate all pieces together in complete solution.
Sample contains following files:
- - entry point for Flask self-hosted web-application, TerminalHandler registration.
- - terminal configuration (like twitter app keys), TerminalDTO and ActivityTemplateDTO instances creation.
- - Authentication Handler class, which shows how to implement external authentication flow.
- - Activity Handler class, which was designed to post a message to twitter channel and provides handling for both configure and run calls.