FEngine is a 3D engine originally made by 2 students full of curiosity and time.
It is heavily recommended to take a look at the Official Notion. As it is our note-taking and it summary a lot of the work that has been made.
It initially was planned to remain the graphic engine it was aimed to be but after realising how powerfull a tool like this is, we decided to explore more about the physic and math that hides behind our 3 dimensional world.
The only dependcy of the project is conda. If your system has conda available, please refer to the following section.
The executable can then be compiled and executed using:
cd <path/of/the/project>
chmod +x run.sh setup.sh
These scripts will create a "fengine" conda environment based on the environment.yml file present at the root of the project.
FEngine has currently only be tested under linux-based OS but we aim to expand its reach to Windows as well. The libs dependecies of the project:
- OpenGL
- Assimp
The executable can be compiled and executed using:
cd <path/of/the/project>
chmod +x run.sh
- WASD To move around
- HJKL To look around (based on vim-like behavior)