Updates 2020-10-28
Zero-diff to previous release: YES for default catchment, NO for CatchmentCN
Restart Changes: NO
The latest release is a 0-diff change when running the default catchment. However, it is a non-0-diff change when running CatchmentCN.
- Updates to land:
- SurfParams: Introduced separate parameter collections for different land model choices that are being cross-checked against the land model choice.
- Updates to reproduce Fanwei Zeng’s LDASsa Catchment-CN simulations (science-validated, published) using the 'CN_CLM4' option.
- Restructure/Refactor
(see Issue #362) - Add Docker authentication for pulls.
- Add logger for NaN detection (at a WARNING level) for QSAT and DQSAT codes.
- Make plots/configure portable when using someone else's build.
- Allow longer job names for PBS/SLURM.
- Update to MAPL.