This software is based on this example:
The software launches on start a soft AP with FTM responder support. The ssid of the AP is ftm_MAC, where MAC is the MAC address of the module.
This software is intended to be used in conjunction with the ESP32 S2 FTM TAG, which is available here:
Just compile a flash it in a ESP32 S2 module using the ESPRESSIF instructions:
The code in this repository is related to the following work:
V. Barral Vales, O. C. Fernández, T. Domínguez-Bolaño, C. J. Escudero and J. A. García-Naya, "Fine Time Measurement for the Internet of Things: A Practical Approach Using ESP32," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 19, pp. 18305-18318, 1 Oct.1, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3158701.
If you make use of this code, a citation is appreciated.