GMT v1.25.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add imtophat, imbothat, bwhitmiss, imhdome, imhmin and a couple more Leptonica funs. (#1642) (@joa-quim)
- Add a matlab similar (2D only) bwskell() function. (#1643) (@joa-quim)
- Fix row-col mess in creating "skels" from matrices. Also accepts a vector as arg. (#1644) (@joa-quim)
- Fix one Col-major case. Make 1 bpp images always [0 1] (#1645) (@joa-quim)
- Add 'imsegment' and 'imrankfilter' IP functions. (#1646) (@joa-quim)
- Remove type signature in parse_opt_S(). It had broken the arg1=GMTcpt case. (#1647) (@joa-quim)
- Add imsobel() and imfilter() (lepto) functions. (#1648) (@joa-quim)
- Improve the imfilter() function to do kernel filter separation. (#1649) (@joa-quim)
- Improve gravmag3d code parsing and use new fixes done in GMT lib. (#1650) (@joa-quim)
- Add a extended wrapper to the supplement module 'mgd77magref'. (#1651) (@joa-quim)
- Improve gravmag3d while waiting that the new version of GMT_Jll becomes available. (#1652) (@joa-quim)
Closed issues:
- Register v"1.23.0" (#1635)