1144 commits
to master
since this release
GMT v1.4.0
Closed issues:
- Register v"1.3.2" (#1229)
Merged pull requests:
- Let kw... be shared by coast and plot3. (#1233) (@joa-quim)
- Let -bi mean that input is a dataset. (#1235) (@joa-quim)
- Let gmtread deal with ogr zipped files (like *.shp.zip) (#1236) (@joa-quim)
- Show (all) shapefile attributes in a table. (#1237) (@joa-quim)
- Add function to provide information on grid, images and datasets. (#1238) (@joa-quim)
- Rework the getbyattrib function to select more elements. Make filter and findall aliases of it. (#1239) (@joa-quim)
- Let the centroid (GDAL) function compute all centroids of a vector of GMTdataset. (#1240) (@joa-quim)
- Improve the info() function. (#1241) (@joa-quim)
- Restore the upGMT functionality. Add .shp.zip files to use in tutorials/tests. (#1242) (@joa-quim)