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Releases: GothenburgBitFactory/timewarrior

Timewarrior 1.7.1

16 Jan 20:23
Choose a tag to compare

This is a bugfix release addressing an issue with tags containing hyphens.

If you experience errors like the following after the upgrade

Datafile::deleteInterval failed to find 'inc 20240123T081545Z # "TASK-0001"'

you can fix the database by wrapping the respective tag (here: TASK-0001) with double quotes where missing.

Join the discussion of this release for further help.


  • internal parsing of tags starting with number broken (#580)
  • Retrieval of intervals with tags containing hyphens is broken (#582)

See the ChangeLog for all the details and bugfixes.
See AUTHORS for a list of all contributors.

Timewarrior 1.7.0

24 Dec 19:52
Choose a tag to compare

New Features

  • timew summary can now also filter by ids
  • Added hint :today (alias for hint :day
  • Summary table no longer truncates annotations (#566)


See the ChangeLog for all the details and bugfixes.
See AUTHORS for a list of all contributors.

Timewarrior 1.6.0

18 Sep 11:05
Choose a tag to compare

New Features

  • New command 'retag'
  • Fish shell-completion

The new command 'retag' allows to replace all tags in an interval with the newly provided tags.
See timew help retag for more information.


See the ChangeLog for all the details and bugfixes.
See AUTHORS for a list of all contributors.

Timewarrior 1.5.0

04 Apr 21:25
Choose a tag to compare

New Features

  • The export command now also accepts ids as input arguments
  • It is now possible to configure the display of columns 'Wk', 'Day', 'ID', 'Tags', and 'Annotation' in the summary report.
    For columns 'ID', 'Tags', and 'Annotation', this can be overridden on the command line via hints :ids/:no-ids, :tags/:no-tags, and :annotations/:no-annotations, respectively.
  • One can configure a global and an individual default time range (value has to correspond to a range hint, e.g. day or month) for reports (This includes commands summary, month, week, day, and gaps). The default range is used when a report is called without specifying a time range.
  • Add support for XDG Base Directory specification on Linux


  • When calling a report, Timewarrior now returns the exit code of the report
  • Show error message if command track is called with an id
  • Improved range handling in totals report
  • Add colors to summary
  • Improved command documentation and man pages
  • Minor cleanup and memory leak fixes

The on-modify.timewarrior hook script has now moved to a separate repository. All concerning PRs and issues have been migrated there. The new repository has a E2E test suite to test the hook script against all combinations of stable and develop branches of Timewarrior and Taskwarrior.

See the ChangeLog for all the details and bugfixes.
See AUTHORS for a list of all contributors.

Timewarrior 1.4.3

28 May 11:26
Choose a tag to compare


  • Tags enclosed in escaped double-quotes are now handled correctly
  • CmdSummary: Fixed calculation of display start in summary table
  • Fixed failed encode / decode check when doing undo

Other Changes

  • Replace roff man pages with asciidoctor

See the ChangeLog for all the details and bugfixes

Timewarrior 1.4.2

29 Aug 18:35
Choose a tag to compare


We have ironed out a few minor errors...

Timewarrior 1.4.1

29 Aug 17:50
Choose a tag to compare
Timewarrior 1.4.1 Pre-release


This bugfix release fixes an error with the new :all hint when used with an open interval (#378).

Timewarrior 1.4.0

29 Aug 14:01
Choose a tag to compare
Timewarrior 1.4.0 Pre-release

New Features

  • Added DOM-query for ids
  • Added DOM-query for tags
  • Allow continue by tag
  • New hint :all


When recording an interval, Timewarrior now reports only the total time of the recent interval, and no longer the total of the sum of all consecutive intervals with the same tag set. The latter caused too much confusion, such that it was considered more a bug than a feature.

See the ChangeLog for all the details and bugfixes

Timewarrior 1.3.0

19 Apr 15:47
Choose a tag to compare

New Features

  • Performance improvements
  • Switch to python 3
  • New hint :fortnight
  • Pass interval id to extensions

See the ChangeLog for all the details and bugfixes

Note: The tar-file with checksum 1f3b9166a96637d3c098a7cfcff74ca61c41f13e2ca21f6c7ad6dd54cc74ac70 was missing the bash-completion script. This is fixed in the tar-file with checksum c04c3ebefddd485323784409987ae66c11c3ce4c882a290c10934336a196f3e8.

Timewarrior 1.2.0

22 Nov 23:17
Choose a tag to compare

New Features

  • Print warning when a new tag is entered (#2)
  • New command 'undo' (#9)
  • New command 'annotate' (#68)
  • Bash completion (#96)
  • Show man pages with --help option

See the ChangeLog for all the details and bugfixes