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Chip-8 Emulator

A simple CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust.

Desktop Application (runner)

  1. Install Rust

  2. Install SDL2

    • Use Homebrew to install SDL2
brew install sdl2
  1. Run A few games are added to ./games folder. To run a CHIP-8 ROM, use the following command:
cargo run ./games/{your_game}


cargo run ./games/BLINKY

Browser Application (wasm)

  1. Install wasm-pack
cargo install wasm-pack
  1. Build the wasm from the wasm folder [chip8_emulator/wasm] and move the resulted files into web folder
wasm-pack build --target web & mv pkg/wasm_bg.wasm ../web & mv pkg/wasm.js ../web
  1. Install python if missing
brew install python
  1. Start python server from web folder [chip8_emulator/web]
python3 -m http.server
  1. Go at localhost:8000 and play

Game controls


cargo run ./games/PONG
CHIP-8 Key Keyboard Key Action
1 1 Move Player 1 (left paddle) up
4 Q Move Player 1 (left paddle) down
C 4 Move Player 2 (right paddle) up
D R Move Player 2 (right paddle) down


cargo run ./games/TETRIS
CHIP-8 Key Keyboard Key Action
4 W Move piece left
6 E Move piece right
1 Q Rotate piece
5 S Move piece down


cargo run ./games/BLINKY
CHIP-8 Key Keyboard Key Action
4 A Move left
6 S Move right
3 3 Move up
E E Move down

Emulator Object - Emu

  1. PC: program counter - keep the index of the current instruction.
  2. RAM
    1. ROM file data is copied into the RAM.
    2. 4096 bytes (4KB) of size
  3. Screen
    1. 64x32 monochrome display (1 bit per pixel)
  4. V Registers
    1. 16 8-bit registers which the game can use as it pleases for much faster operation.
    2. Numbered from V0 to VF
  5. I Register
    1. 16-bit
    2. used for indexing into RAM for reads and writes.
  6. Stack
    1. 16-bit
    2. LIFO
    3. used while entering or exiting a subroutine, where the stack is used to know where you started so you can return after the routine ends
    4. std::collections::VecDeque is not used because it doesn't work for WebAssembly.
    5. used statically sized array and an index pointing the top ot the stack (sp - Stack Pointer)
  7. Timers
    1. Delay Timer - register used by the system as a typical timer, counting down every cycle and performing some action if it hits 0
    2. Sound Timer - register used to count down every clock cycle, but upon hitting 0 emits a noise.
    3. Both registers are 8-bit

Opcode Table

Chip-8 has 35 opcodes, which are all 2 bytes long and stored big-endian. NNN: address NN: 8-bit constant N: 4-bit constant X and Y: 4-bit register identifier PC: Program Counter I: 12-bit register VN: One of the 16 available variables. N may be 0 to F (hexadecimal)

Opcode Pseudo Code Explanation
0000 - Do nothing and move on to the next opcode
00E0 disp_clear() Clears the screen. Reset the screen buffer
00EE return; Returns form a subroutine
1NNN goto NNN; Jumps to address NNN
2NNN *(0xNNN) () Calls subroutine at NNN
3XNN if(Vx == NN) Skips the next instruction if VX equals NN (usually the next instruction is a jump to skip
a code block)
4XNN if(Vx != NN) Skips the next instruction if VX does not equal to NN (usually the next instruction is a
jump to skip a code block)
5XY0 if(Vx == Vy) Skips the next instruction if VX equals VY (usually the next instruction is a jump to skip
a code block)
6XNN Vx = NN Sets VX to NN
7XNN Vx += NN Adds NN to VX (carry flag is not changed)
8XY0 Vx = Vy Sets VX to the value of VY
8XY1 Vx |= Vy Sets VX to VX or VY (bitwise OR operation)
8XY2 Vx &= Vy Sets VX to VX and VY (bitwise AND operation)
8XY3 Vx ^= Vy Sets VX to VX xor XY (bitwise XOR operation)
8XY4 Vx += Vy Adds VY yo VX. VF is set to 1 when there's an overflow, amd to 0 when there is not
8XY5 Vx -= Vy VY is subtracted from VX. VF is set to 0 where there's an underflow, and 1 when there is not
8XY6 Vx >>= 1 Shifts VX to the right by 1, then stores the least significant bit of VX prior to the shift
into VF
8XY7 Vx = Vy - Vx Sets VX to VY minus VX. VF is set to 0 when there's an underflow, and 1 when there is not
8XYE Vx <<= 1 Shifts VX to the left by 1, then sets VF to 1 if the most significant bit of VX prior to
that shift was set, or to 0 if it was unset
9XY0 if(VX != Vy) Skips the next instruction if VX does not equal VY. (Usually the next instruction is a jump
to skip a code block)
ANNN I = NNN Sets I to the address NNN.
BNNN PC = V0 + NNN Jumps to the address NNN plus V0
CNNN Vx = rand() & NN Sets Vx to the result of a bitwise and operation on a random number (0 - 255) and NN
DXYN draw(Vx, Vy, N) Draw a sprite at coordinate (VX, VY) that has a width of 8 pixels and a height of N
pixels. Each row of 8 pixels is read as bit-coded starting from memory location I;
I value does not change after the execution of this instruction. As described above,
VF is set to 1 if any screen pixels are flipped from set to unset when the sprite is drawn,
and to 0 if that does not happen
EX9E if(key() == Vx) Skips the next instruction if the key stored in VX (only consider the lowest nibble) is
pressed (usually the next instruction is a jump to skip
a code block)
EXA1 if(key() != Vx) Skips the next instruction if the key stored in VX (only consider the lowest nibble) is
not pressed (usually the next instruction is a jump to skip a code block)
FX07 Vx = get_delay() Sets VX to the value of the delay timer
FX0A Vx = get_key() A key press is awaited, and then stored in VX (blocking operation, all instruction halted
until next key event, delay and sound timers should continue processing)
FX15 delay_timer(Vx) Sets the delay timer to VX
FX18 sound_timer(Vx) Sets the sound timer to VX
FX1E I += Vx Adds VX to I. Vf is not affected
FX29 I = sprite_addr[Vx] Sets I to the location of the sprite for the character in VX (only consider the lowest
nibble). Characters 0-F (in hexadecimal) are represented by a 4x5 font.
FX33 set_BCD(Vx)
*(I) = BCD(3);
*(I+1) = BCD(2); *(I+2) = BCD(1);
Stores the binary-coded decimal representation of VX, with the hundreds digit in memory
at location in I, the tens digit at location I + 1, and
the ones digit at location I + 2
FX55 reg_dump(Vx, &I) Stores from V0 to VX (including VX) in memory, starting at address I. The offset from I
is increased by 1 for each value written, but I itself is left unmodified.
FX65 reg_load(Vx, &I) Fills from V0 to VX (including VX) with values from memory, starting at address I. The
offset from I is increased by 1 for each value read, but I itself is left unmodified
  1. Explanations for Complex Opcodes
    1. FX07 - await key press - TODO
    2. DXYN - Draw - TODO
    3. FX33 - BCD - TODO

Keyboard to Chip-8 Key Mapping

Keyboard Key CHIP-8 Key
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 C
Q 4
W 5
E 6
A 7
S 8
D 9
X 0

Information Sources

This project is based on the guide provided here:

Pre-Push Hook

This repository provides a pre-push hook located in the .githooks folder. It ensures that the code is properly formatted and linted before being pushed to the remote repository. To activate, configure Git to use the .githooks directory as the hooks folder:

git config core.hooksPath .githooks



  • improve error handling
  • fix the keyboard input
  • add keyboard instructions to the file
  • add tests


  • add audio support
  • make the emulator runnable in the browser
  • make the selection of the game in the browser to happen with drop down


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