Welcome to my portfolio! I'm Ebraheem Alhetari, a full-stack developer and freelancer with a passion for creating immersive web experiences. Specializing in Vue.js, GSAP animations, and Tailwind CSS, I craft elegant, responsive, and fully animated websites.
If you would like to use or modify this portfolio, please:
- Star this repository on GitHub.
- Fork the repository instead of cloning or downloading it directly.
- Credit Ebraheem Alhetari as the original coder and animator, and acknowledge Huy Nguyen for the original UI design.
In the data.ts
file, there are resource links that credit the original designer and other relevant sources:
const resourceLinks = [
label: 'Huy Nguyen (the UI designer)',
url: 'https://www.huyng.xyz',
label: 'Ebraheem Alhetari',
url: 'https://github.com/Hetari/portfolio',
By following these guidelines, you'll be respecting the effort and collaboration behind this project.
This portfolio showcases my expertise in modern web technologies, including:
- Vue.js (with Composition API & TypeScript)
- GSAP (for stunning animations)
- Tailwind CSS (for efficient styling)
- Lenis (smooth scrolling)
- Vite.js (fast development and build tool)
The entire portfolio is a dynamic and animated experience, designed to capture attention and showcase my skills. A key aspect is its visually captivating UI, originally designed by the talented freelancer Huy Nguyen, whom I acknowledge and credit for allowing me to use and clone his design.
- Loading Screen: A fully animated, immersive start to the experience.
- Hero: A powerful introduction highlighting my name and expertise.
- Services: An overview of what I offer as a developer.
- My Works: A collection of my best projects, demonstrating my skills.
- About Me: A deep dive into who I am as a developer.
- Testimonials: Real feedback from people I've worked with.
- Contact Me: Easily get in touch via the contact form.
- Footer: Site navigation and social links.
To view the project locally, follow these steps:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/hetari/portfolio
# Navigate to the project directory
cd portfolio
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the development server
npm run dev
You can now view the portfolio on http://localhost:5173
in your browser.
I am continuously improving my portfolio and plan to add Arabic language support soon, making it fully bilingual for both English and Arabic users.
I want to extend a special thank you to Huy Nguyen for his original UI design, which I have cloned with his permission. His creative vision has been instrumental in shaping the look and feel of this portfolio.