This repo contains the code needed to connect to IBM's IoT Cloud and publish and retrieve data from a Texas Instruments Sensor Tag.
For a demonstration of the applications within this repo you can watch the following video
The publish directory contains a Node.js application that can be placed on any device connected to the internet and is capable of using Bluetooth low-energy (LE) to connect to the Sensor Tag. This application publishes sensor data from the Sensor Tag to the IBM IoT Cloud.
The subscribe directory contains a Node.js application which connects to the IBM IoT Cloud and uses the Sensor Tag data in various ways.
- An application to control an HTML5 presentation deck with the Sensor Tag buttons.
- An application which visualizes the temperature, accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer data from the Sesnor Tag.
The node-red directory contains an exported flow which you can import into your Node-RED instance of Bluemix to see the data being published from the Sensor Tag.
Here is a diagram that describes how the apps work with the IBM IoT Cloud and Bluemix.
Some of the content in these videos is outdated due to changes in Bluemix, but most of the content may still be relevant.
This code is licensed under Apache v2. See the LICENSE file in the root of the repository.