This is our second supermarket recommendation app release, containing data collection, preparation, exploration and model.
This release should be viewed in the following order (4 Steps):
Step 1:
The Data Collection/Creation, which can be viewed in the 'Projectlib/datasets', contains the 2 files that make up the whole data collection process. In order to create the final "supermarket_data.csv" file for the modelling, we followed the following process:
- First download the csv file from
- Then with the "DataCreation.ipynb'', execute to create the "supermarket_data.csv", which is the data that is going to be used for the recommendation system.
- But before, we further prep the data with the "Cleaning_Preparation + EDA.ipynb" notebook.
Step 2:
The Modeling. This can be viewed in the 'Projectlib/Models' folder, and inside 2 ipynb notebooks. The first shows our algorithm attempt using collaborative filtering to recommend supermarket products and the second uses a SAR model applied based on recommeders approach.
Step 3:
The implementation of a Flask API. This can be viewed in the 'Projectlib/Flask' folder. Additionally, thee implementation of a simple front-end is created in the template folder, which is used by the ipynb file called FLaskAPI to create the local API.
Step 4:
The app implementation to deploy in azure is created and with that we add more files, necessary for the deployment using Git Actions.