This IEPD is designed to support nuclear forensics investigation and analysis. It is implemented using NIEM 4.0 and other domain-specific schemas, and created by using the Template-IEPD project (
The initial release of the NFDEM-IEPD is be compliant with the NIEM-MPD 3.0.1 specification
- The NIEM Schema Subset Generation Tool (SSGT) was used to create a subset for the IEPD based on the several community domain models in NIEM, including CBRN, Emergency, and Biometrics.
- The extension schema for the NFDEM-IEPD is called nfdem.xsd that is compliant with the NIEM 4.0 specification.
- The catalog file for this IEPD is the mpd-catalog.xml that follows the catalog schema mpd-catalog-3.0.xsd.
- This is defined in (this file).
- A change log is provided in the changelog.txt file.
- Conformance Tests have been performed using the test tool Conformance Testing Assistant (ConTesA) with automated testing targets using the NDR rules on IEPD extension schemas and to generate a conformance assertion.
- Note that all local NIEM extension schemas must have a conformance target identifier as specified above in order for the NDR rules to be applied.