In this repository, automatization smoke test suite can be found. Smoke and regression test suite is created for the following website: Website is an online store for selling technology
To install Visual Studio use following website
To install Node.js use following website To install node package manager, in project terminal write:
npm install
To install Playwright use the following npm command in project terminal
npm install playwright@latest
alternatively you may use the VSCode extension: website
It is advisable to open project directly in Visual studio, therefore in terminal cd path will be automatically set up.
If one wants to run entire test suite, it can be done by following command:
npx playwright test
If one wants to run a specific set of tests , it can be done by the following command:
npx playwright test tests/<directory-name>/
Most tests will fail this way, because of the slow and buggy nature of the website. It is advisable to run tests individually.
If one wants to run single test, it can be done by following command:
npx playwright test <filename>
Example for search-items.js:
npx playwright test search-items.test.js
Note: some tests need to run in headed mode in order to test the site properly. If a test fails try adding --headed to the command, like this:
npx playwright test search-items.test.js --headed