SCiMS (Sex Calling for Metagenomic Sequences) is a tool for determining host sex using shotgun metagenomic data. Currently, this tool supports sex determination for host organisms that contain two sex chromosomes. (Ex. X and Y in humans). Briefly, SCiMS works by aligning shotgun metagenomic data to a reference genome and comparing the coverage of the homogametic chromosome to the coverage of the autosomes.
- bowtie2==2.4.4
- Samtools==1.13
All of the required tools can be installed with conda (see Install Requirements)
SCiMS can be easily installed with:
pip3 install git+
- SCiMS is designed to work with both single and paired-end metagenomic data. The command-line usage is:
usage: scims [-h] [-v] [--bowtie-index INDEX] [--ref-genome REF] [--scaffold-names SCAFFOLD] [-1 FORWARD] [-2 REVERSE] [-s SINGLE] [--x HOMOGAMETIC] [--y HETEROGAMETIC] --o OUTPUT [--t THREADS] [--from-sam FROM_SAM] [--get-scaffold-lengths LENGTHS] [--scaffold-lengths SCAF_LENGTHS] Sex Calling for Metagenomic Sequences options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit --bowtie-index INDEX Path to Bowtie2 index --ref-genome REF Reference genome in FASTA or FASTA.gz format --scaffold-names SCAFFOLD Path to file with scaffold names -1 FORWARD Forward reads in FASTA or FASTQ format (PE mode only) -2 REVERSE Reverse reads in FASTA or FASTQ format (PE mode only) -s SINGLE Single-end reads in FASTA or FASTQ format (SE mode only) --x HOMOGAMETIC ID of homogametic sex chromosome (ex. X) --y HETEROGAMETIC ID of heterogametic sex chromesome (ex. Y) --o OUTPUT Output plot prefix --t THREADS Number of threads to use --from-sam FROM_SAM Use sam file instead of preforming the alignment --get-scaffold-lengths LENGTHS Determine scaffold lengths --scaffold-lengths SCAF_LENGTHS Path to file with scaffold lengths
To install the required tools with conda, run the following code.
conda install -c bioconda bowtie2
conda install -c bioconda samtools
Note: For some reason, the current version of Bowtie2 has an issue with tbb. To fix this, run
conda install tbb=2020.2
This tutorial is intended to ensure that your SCiMS installation is working correctly:
Download test files:
wget wget wget
Run SCiMS in alignment-free mode:
scims_test]$ scims --scaffold-names scaffolds.txt --x NC_000023.11 --y NC_000024.10 --o test --t 1 --from-sam male_test.sam --scaffold-lengths scaffold_lengths.txt
You should see output similar to the following:
Using SAM file Extracting propper alignments: A total of 18449 alignments met the criteria The average NC_000024.10:NC_000023.11 ratio for the file was 0.5285776962795797
- Download sequence files
- Download reference genome
- Build the Bowtie2 index
bowtie2-build GRCh38_latest_genomic.fna.gz GRCh38_latest_genomic.fna.gz
Run SCiMS in alignment-free mode:
scims --scaffold-names scaffolds.txt --x NC_000023.11 --y NC_000024.10 --o test --t 1 -1 female_10000_1.fa -2 female_10000_2.fa --scaffold-lengths scaffold_lengths.txt --bowtie-index GRCh38_latest_genomic.fna.gz
You should see output similar to the following:
Aligning sequences to GRCh38_latest_genomic.fna.gz: Forward reads: female_10000_1.fa Reverse reads: female_10000_2.fa Extracting propper alignments: A total of 18552 alignments met the criteria The average NC_000024.10:NC_000023.11 ratio for the file was 0.9519628016280371