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Random layout generation implementation
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Xaver-DaRed committed Feb 9, 2025
1 parent 6859960 commit b56c0f1
Showing 1 changed file with 287 additions and 0 deletions.
287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions scripts/globals/nyzul/floor_layout.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
-- Nyzul Isle: Floor generation methods and data.
local ID = zones[]
xi = xi or {}
xi.nyzul = xi.nyzul or {}

local room =
-- Rooms located in South-East block.
SE_EXT_N = 101,
SE_EXT_E = 102,
SE_EXT_S = 103,
SE_INT_N = 106,
SE_INT_NE = 107,
SE_INT_E = 108,
SE_INT_SE = 109,
SE_INT_S = 110,
SE_INT_SW = 111,
SE_INT_W = 112,
SE_INT_NW = 113,

local group =
-- Room groups located in South-East block.
SE_1 = 1001,
SE_2 = 1002,
SE_3 = 1003,
SE_4 = 1004,
SE_5 = 1005,
SE_6 = 1006,
SE_7 = 1007,

local block =
EAST = 3,
SOUTH = 5,

-- Information of all individual rooms.
local roomInfoTable =
-- South-East block (7 groups, 13 rooms).
[room.SE_EXT_N] = -- In group SE 1.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 460, 0, -446.5 }, { 460, 0, -433.5 }, { 433.5, 0, -433.5 }, { 486.5, 0, -433.5 }, { 460, 0, -429 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 480, 0, -440 }, { 460, 0, -440 }, { 440, 0, -440 } }
[room.SE_EXT_E] = -- In group SE 2.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 553, 0, -560 }, { 560, 0, -552.5 }, { 560, 0, -527.5 }, { 553.5, 0, -513.5 }, { 553.5, 0, -540 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 560, 0, -540 }, { 560, 0, -520 }, { 560, 0, -560 } }
[room.SE_EXT_S] = -- In group SE 3.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 460, 0, -640 }, { 486.5, 0, -646.5 }, { 433.5, 0, -646.5 }, { 486.5, 0, -633.5 }, { 433.5, 0, -633.5 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 460, 0, -646.5 }, { 460, 0, -633.5 } }
[room.SE_EXT_W_LOWER] = -- In group SE 6.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 366.5, 0, -535.5 }, { 375.5, 0, -535.5 }, { 384.5, 0, -540 }, { 375.5, 0, -544.5 }, { 366.5, 0, -549 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 366.5, 0, -535.5 }, { 366.5, 0, -535.5 } }
[room.SE_EXT_W_UPPER] = -- In group SE 7.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 366.5, 0, -526.5 }, { 393.5, 0, -553.5 }, { 393.5, 0, -526.5 }, { 380, 0, -526.5 }, { 393.5, 0, -540 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 366.5, 0, -526.5 }, { 393.5, 0, -553.5 } }
[room.SE_INT_N] = -- In group SE 4.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 473.5, 0, -486.5 }, { 446.5, 0, -486.5 }, { 455.5, 0, -495.5 }, { 464.5, 0, -500 }, { 455.5, 0, -513.5 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 451, 0, -486.5 }, { 469, 0, -486.5 } }
[room.SE_INT_NE] = -- In group SE 4.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 509, 0, -500 }, { 491, 0, -500 }, { 491, 0, -509 }, { 486.5, 0, -513.5 }, { 500, 0, -486.5 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 491, 0, -500 }, { 500, 0, -509 } }
[room.SE_INT_E] = -- In group SE 5.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 500, 0, -540 }, { 509, 0, -531 }, { 491, 0, -549 }, { 491, 0, -531 }, { 509, 0, -549 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 491, 0, -540 }, { 509, 0, -540 } }
[room.SE_INT_SE] = -- In group SE 5.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 513.5, 0, -593.5 }, { 505.5, 0, -585.5 }, { 491, 0, -571 }, { 486.5, 0, -566.5 }, { 486.5, 0, -593.5 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 509, 0, -589 }, { 491, 0, -580 } }
[room.SE_INT_S] = -- In group SE 6.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 464.5, 0, -566.5 }, { 464.5, 0, -580 }, { 455.5, 0, -584.5 }, { 455.5, 0, -566.5 }, { 446.5, 0, -571 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 446.5, 0, -566.5 }, { 473.5, 0, -566.5 } }
[room.SE_INT_SW] = -- In group SE 6.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 424.5, 0, -575.5 }, { 415.5, 0, -580 }, { 411, 0, -593.5 }, { 406.5, 0, -566.5 }, { 429, 0, -566.5 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 424.5, 0, -580 }, { 420, 0, -575.5 } }
[room.SE_INT_W] = -- In group SE 7.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 433.5, 0, -553.5 }, { 415.5, 0, -535.5 }, { 429, 0, -531 }, { 411, 0, -549 }, { 420, 0, -540 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 420, 0, -540 }, { 429, 0, -549 } }
[room.SE_INT_NW] = -- In group SE 7.
mobSpawnPoints = { { 406.5, 0, -513.5 }, { 433.5, 0, -509 }, { 433.5, 0, -486.5 }, { 424.5, 0, -495.5 }, { 415.5, 0, -495.5 } },
lampSpawnPoints = { { 420, 0, -504.5 }, { 411, 0, -513.5 } }

-- Information of all rooms that form an indivisible group (No doors to separate them).
local groupInfoTable =
-- South-East block (7 groups, 13 rooms).
[group.SE_1] =
rooms = { room.SE_EXT_N },
connections =
{ group.SE_4, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 8 } }
[group.SE_2] =
rooms = { room.SE_EXT_E },
connections =
{ group.SE_5, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 5 } }
[group.SE_3] =
rooms = { room.SE_EXT_S },
connections =
{ group.SE_6, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 2 } }
[group.SE_4] =
rooms = { room.SE_INT_N, room.SE_INT_NE },
connections =
{ group.SE_1, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 8 } },
{ group.SE_5, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 6 } },
{ group.SE_7, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 7 } }
[group.SE_5] =
rooms = { room.SE_INT_E, room.SE_INT_SE },
connections =
{ group.SE_2, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 5 } },
{ group.SE_4, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 6 } },
{ group.SE_6, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 3 } }
[group.SE_6] =
rooms = { room.SE_INT_S, room.SE_INT_SW, room.SE_EXT_W_LOWER },
connections =
{ group.SE_3, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 2 } },
{ group.SE_5, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 3 } },
{ group.SE_7, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET, ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 1, ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 4 } }
[group.SE_7] =
rooms = { room.SE_INT_W, room.SE_INT_NW, room.SE_EXT_W_UPPER },
connections =
{ group.SE_4, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 7 } },
{ group.SE_6, { ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET, ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 1, ID.npc.DOOR_OFFSET + 4 } }

-- Blocks are independent. Contain groups of rooms. The selection of those room groups define a layout.
local blockInfoTable =
[block.NORTH_EAST] = {},
[block.CENTRAL ] = {},
[block.EAST ] = {},
[block.SOUTH_WEST] = {},
[block.SOUTH ] = {},
[block.SOUTH_EAST] = { group.SE_1, group.SE_2, group.SE_3, group.SE_4, group.SE_5, group.SE_6, group.SE_7 },

xi.nyzul.generateRandomLayout = function()
local layout = {}
layout.mobSpwanPointTable = {}
layout.lampSpawnPointTable = {}
layout.doorsToOpenTable = {}
layout.runeSpawnPoint = {}

-- 1. Select one block (currently hardcoded to 6; later use math.random(1, 6))
local chosenBlockId = 6
local allowedGroupsTable = blockInfoTable[chosenBlockId]

-- 2: Select 1 (any) group from the block to start the layout.
local randomEntry = math.random(1, #allowedGroupsTable)
local initialGroupId = allowedGroupsTable[randomEntry]
table.remove(allowedGroupsTable, randomEntry)

-- 3: Create a list of rooms and track the amount we have.
local roomTable = {} -- We will store all individual room IDs from all groups used here.
local totalRooms = 0
local roomsNeeded = 6 + math.random(0, 2) -- We need 6 rooms at the bare minimum.

-- Repeat process until we ensure the amount of rooms we need is reached.
local groupTable = {}
table.insert(groupTable, { initialGroupId, { 0 } })

while totalRooms < roomsNeeded do
-- 4. Pick a random group.
randomEntry = math.random(1, #groupTable)

-- Unpack info and delete entry.
local groupId = groupTable[randomEntry][1]
local doorTable = groupTable[randomEntry][2]
table.remove(groupTable, randomEntry)

-- 5. Handle doors.
randomEntry = math.random(1, #doorTable) -- This will choose how many doors we open.
for i = 1, randomEntry do
local doorId = doorTable[i]
if doorId ~= 0 then
table.insert(layout.doorsToOpenTable, doorId)

-- Store room IDs contained in chosen group entry.
local groupInfo = groupInfoTable[groupId]
for i = 1, #groupInfo.rooms do
table.insert(roomTable, groupInfo.rooms[i])

-- 6. Prepare next loop with chosen group entry.
for i = 1, #groupInfo.connections do
-- Ensure entry can be chosen in the first place.
local connectedGroupId = groupInfo.connections[i][1]
for j = 1, #allowedGroupsTable do
if connectedGroupId == allowedGroupsTable[j] then
table.insert(groupTable, groupInfo.connections[i])
table.remove(allowedGroupsTable, j)


totalRooms = totalRooms + #groupInfo.rooms

-- 7. Choose one room from roomTable as the initial spawn for the rune.
local initialRoomIndex = math.random(1, #roomTable)
local runicPortalPosTable = roomInfoTable[roomTable[initialRoomIndex]].lampSpawnPoints

table.insert(layout.runeSpawnPoint, runicPortalPosTable[math.random(1, #runicPortalPosTable)])
table.remove(roomTable, initialRoomIndex)

-- 8. Populate the mob and lamp spawn point tables from the remaining rooms.
for _, roomId in ipairs(roomTable) do
local roomData = roomInfoTable[roomId]

for _, coordinates in ipairs(roomData.mobSpawnPoints) do
table.insert(layout.mobSpwanPointTable, coordinates)

for _, coordinates in ipairs(roomData.lampSpawnPoints) do
table.insert(layout.lampSpawnPointTable, coordinates)

return layout

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