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Enhanced Coco/R Compiler Compiler

Based on the Coco/R Sources at that we call the "2011 version".


This repository includes these enhancements. More detailed information can be found in the following sections.

Token Inheritance

A typical usage scenario for this extension would be, to allow keywords (literal tokens) as identifiers (token classes) based on a parsing context that expects an identifier.

Symbol Tables

Having autocomplete information is quite useless for token classes, unless you can specify from where you will take all valid i.e. declared identifiers.

In this version of Coco/R you can declare global symbol tables for a parser and mark tokenclasses in productions to create a new symbol, error out if it was already declared and mark a tokenclass to use such a symbol, i.e. error out if it was not declared. At such a symbol use point, when looking at alternatives, you can ask the parser, of which symbols it knows at this point to provide autocomplete for token classes.

Lexical Scopes for Symbol Tables

The existance and no-redefinition checks can be scoped lexically by marking a production as a scope for a symbol table. By creating a new scope for a production, you can create and redefine any symbol, as well as use any symbol in this scope and all of it's parent scopes. This scope, as well as all newly created symbols, is destroyed when you leave the generated production method. So if you need to preserve the scoped symbols, you might want to add a semantic action that stores the symbol table's current scope i.e. symboltable.currentScope in your AST.

Useonce and Useall Scopes for Symbols

You can declare at the production level, that any symbol has to be used at most once (useonce) or at least once (useall) inside this lexical scope. This is usefull for metaprogramming, where you declare idents as keyword-like in your language and state that each such keyword-like ident has to be used, or can appear only one time.

Of course, these two declarations can be used together to form a use-exactly-once semantic.

Strict and Non Strict Symbol Tables

Symbol tables can be strict, i.e. every symbol has to be declared before its use (aka one-pass), or non-strict, meaning that a symbol can be used and declared anywhere acording to common scoping rules (aka two-pass). However, there are actually no multiple passes, the generated parser always makes only one pass.

Autocomplete Information

If the switch -ac is set, the generator produces a parser, that records for any parsed terminal symbol all alternative terminal symbols, that would be valid instead of the actually parsed token.

Find Symbol Declaration

The autocomplete information includes data to locate the token that declares the currently parsed symbol.

Sample Winforms Editor

Proof of concept to show autocomplete information interactively. Supports error location, "Goto declaration", instant "Find all references" as well as alternatives for keywords and declared symbols.

Sample Winforms Editor with Live AngularJS projections

Proof of concept to display live projections of the generated AST to a Webpage that uses AngularJS as a templating engine. In the sample the AST consists of call elements with their parameters as a list of lists. Such calls can be placed inside a block (tbdcalls) or at toplevel (call). The web app displays each in a separate list.

These are the moving parts to display a projection, where AST here is the generated .ast of the parser:

<section class="column">
    <h2>TBD calls</h2>
    <div ng-repeat="c in AST.tbdcall track by $index">
        call(<code ng-repeat="p in c track by $index" ng-bind="p" class="bg-success"></code>);

<section class="column">
    <h2>Standard calls</h2>

    <div ng-repeat="c in track by $index">
        call(<code ng-repeat="p in c track by $index" ng-bind="p" class="bg-success"></code>);

    <h2>Raw AST as JSON</h2>
    <pre ng-bind="AST | json"></pre>

Note: This needs .Net 4 Framework and the Fleck library. See

BOM Free UTF-8 Scanner

The standard scanner has now a new constructor that tells it to use a UTF8Buffer even if the leading BOM (byte order mark) is missing. This is handy if you scan from a string wraped in a stream or from a file that is written by a tool that writes UTF-8 but no byte order marks. The Coco executable has a new command line option that forces UTF-8 processing.

Note: The 2011 version recognizes UTF-8 only by the existance of a UTF-8 BOM. In this version with the new constructor, the BOM is optional but it is mandatory that the stream is UTF-8 encoded.

Declarative, language independent AST -

Forming an abstract syntax tree (AST) from the parse can be done using semantic actions in the 2011 version. However, this couples the AST generation strictly to the target language.

With this extension, some prototyping can be done to explore a planned/desired object hierarchy. Starting with the extraction of the token from a terminal, nonterminal or grammar-defined literal, you can give them names and form object structures lists. These structures need not resemble the production graph, you are free to ignore particular nodes or even complete hierarchies between the token(s) and their names.

As these objects travel up the call tree, you can compose objects and lists from named objects deeper in the call tree by reusing the names of your productions. If all runs well, you get at toplevel a structured object, made up from other objects, lists and strings as leaf datatype.


  • There are functions to inspect the structure and export it to JSON.
  • A start and an end Token is stored with an AST element.
  • AST code is only generated by Coco/R, if you use it in the grammar.

Now we are ready to discuss these topics in detail, starting with Token Inheritance.

Token Inheritance

We denote base types for tokens in the grammar file so that a more specific token can be valid in a parsing context that expects a more general token.

The base type of a token has to be declared explicitly in the TOKENS section of the grammar file like that:

  ident = letter { letter }.
  var : ident = "var". //  ": ident" is the new syntax 
  as = "as".

meaning that the keyword var is now valid in a production at a place, where an ident would be expected. So, if you have a production like

  Declaration = var ident as ident ";".

A text like

var var as int; // valid

would be valid, whereas a text like

var as as int; // invalid, because "as" is not an ident

would be invalid, just as the first text would with a parser generated with the 2011 version of Coco/R.

Extended syntax for token inheritance

see with this modification of section "2.3.2 Tokens":

// Coco/R grammar
TokenDecl = Symbol [':' Symbol] ['=' TokenExpr '.']. 

The Symbol behind the colon has to be a previously declared token and is called the base token type. The generated parser now accepts this declared token everywhere a token of its base token type is expected.

This compatibility is transitive. However, it would be bad design to have complicated inheritance trees in the grammar.

Symbol Tables

There is a new section SYMBOLTABLES just before PRODUCTIONS where symbol tables for the generated parser can be declared and initialized.

// Coco/R grammar
STDecl = ident [ "STRICT" ] { string } .


  variables.  // an empty symbol table named variables
  types STRICT "string" "int" "double". // a symbol table named types with three prefilled entries

In productions you can append to each terminal or weak terminal t an angle bracket plus a declared symboltable symbol to declare a new name in this symbol table or a colon plus a symboltable to use a declared name in this table. Semantic errors are generated if the name is declared twice or does not exist respectivly.


Decl = "var" ident>variables ':' ident:types.

this production creates a new name in variables for the first ident and checks that the second ident is present in types.

Strict and Non Strict Symbol Tables

We call a symbol table strict, if a declaration of a particular symbol (via ident>table) has to be strictly before its use (via ident:table). So the declaration of a symbol is checked when its use-token is parsed.

We call a symbol table non strict, if declaration and use of a symbol can be anywhere acording to lexical scoping rules.

In other words, you have to declare a symbol to use it. If a symbol table is declared as STRICT the declaration has to be before the use, otherwise the declaration can be anywhere inside the current lexical scope or its parent scopes.

Scoped Symbols

To introduce a new lexical scope to a production like Block for a list of symbol tables, you have to list them in the production definition:

Block SCOPES(variables, types) = 
  { Decl } 
  { Statement } 
  '}' .

So the extended Coco/R syntax for productions is

// Coco/R grammar
Production = ident [FormalAttributes] [ScopesDecl] [LocalDecl] '=' Expression '.'.
ScopesDecl = "SCOPES" '(' ident { ',' ident } ')' .

See section "2.4 Parser Specification".

Note: Every symbol table has at least one scope, so you don't have to declare any SCOPES(...) block at all. This root scope is the only scope, that is available after the call to Parse(). So, if you need to preseve the content of a lexically scoped symbol table, store it's currentScope, which is a List<Token> (C#) / List(Of Token) (VB.Net) inside a semantic action. If you need all symbols in all currently active scopes, take a look at items which is an IEnumerable<Token>.

Useall and Useonce Scopes

The once more extended Coco/R syntax for productions is

// Coco/R grammar
Production = ident [FormalAttributes] [ScopesDecl] [ UseOnceDecl ] [ UseAllDecl ] [LocalDecl] '=' Expression '.'.
ScopesDecl  = "SCOPES"  '(' ident { ',' ident } ')' .
UseOnceDecl = "USEONCE" '(' ident { ',' ident } ')' .
UseAllDecl  = "USEALL"  '(' ident { ',' ident } ')' .

USEONCE and USEALL both create a scope for the production method, where each use of a symbol in the symbol tables denoted by the ident, ... list is counted. After leaving the scope USEONCE checks that each symbol is used zero to one times and USEALL checks that each symbol is used at least one time. Undeclared symbols are not counted. If a check fails, 1 (USEALL) or 2..N (USEONCE) semantic errors are logged.

Note: A use is logged if a suffixed Coco/R symbol like ident:symboltable is parsed and the token is recognized as a member of symboltable.

For our example, we consider a dictionary for a list of target languages, where this list of target languages is not known in advance. So we add the list to our grammar and demand that each term has at least one translation in each declared language.

Example grammar:

COMPILER Dictionary

  lang STRICT.

  Dictionary = Languages { Term }.      
  Languages = "languages" { ident>lang }.
  Term USEALL(lang) = "term" string { Translation }.
  Translation = ident:lang string.

Example text:

languages EN DE FR

term "car" 
  DE "Auto" 
  DE "Fahrzeug" 
  EN "vehicle" 
  FR "..."
term "cat" 
  DE "Katze" 
  RF "Mieze" // undeclared lang 'RF'
  // missing EN, missing FR
term ...

Accessing symbol tables form outside

The declared symbol tables are accessible via a declared public readonly field of type Symboltable and via the generic method symbol(string name) that returns the symbol table with the specified name or null if not found.

Autocomplete Information (class Alternative)

After parsing, the parser has a list of all relevant tokens public List<Alternative> tokens in text ordering, i.e. no comments, no whitespace and no pragmas.

For each such element the property t holds the actually parsed token.

The property alt holds a BitArray of all Terminal symbols that would be valid before the current token t was parsed. With the help of the Parser.tName array and the index in the alt array, a client can resolve the name of the token from the TOKENS section of the atg grammar file or the literal of an inline declared keyword.

Note: Currently there is a flaw in the implementiation, because the calculation of possible alternatives stops as soon as the actual token gets validly parsed. So this list can be truncated. -> this has to be investigated.

Furthermore, if an alternative token class is associated with a symbol table in the current production like in ident:variables, its symbol table variables is accessible by the st array at its kind position.

The property declaredAt calculates a Token, where t was declared at, as long as t is associated with a symbol table as a usage point. Otherwise this property returns null.

Sample Code listing Alternatives

This Sample Code lists all tokens and their respective variants by name. If a variant has an associated symbol table, a colon and the symbol table's name is appended to the token's symbol name.

// parser.Parse() ommited here

foreach (Alternative a in parser.tokens)
    // the parsed token, simply called "the token"
    Token t = a.t; 

    // either null or the token where the token t is declared at:
    Token declAt = a.declaration; // not used in sample

    // print information about the token
    Console.Write("({0,3},{1,3}) {2,3} {3,-20} {4, -20}", 
      t.line, t.col, t.kind, Parser.tName[t.kind], t.val);

    // print information about variants of the token:
    Console.Write(" alt: ");
    for (int k = 0; k <= Parser.maxT; k++)
        if (a.alt[k]) {
            // token kind k is a variant of the token
            Console.Write("{1} ", k, Parser.tName[k]);
            if ([k] != null) {                    
                // symbol table associated with this k-th terminal
                // in the current parsing context
                // list only locally declared symbols:  
                foreach (Token tok in[k].currentScope)
                    Console.Write("{0}({1},{2})|", tok.val, tok.line, tok.col); 
            Console.Write(' ');

See CSharp/Test/main.cs for a more elaborate example.

Autocomplete Information plus Editor (hypothetical)

While comparing the current position inside a hypothetical editor with the token sequence of the paresd full text, the editor could provide coloring based on the actual token t's information as well as autocompletion based on the alt (for keywords) and st array for (available symbols).

For a sample implementation as a proof of concept of such an editor, see our WinForms version in the CSharp/WinFormsEditor subfolder. Please note, that it is compiled and linked against the sample grammar in CSharp/test and it always loads sample.txt from this folder and doesn't save at all. Nevertheless it doesn't depend on the particular grammar design.

It parses the source from scratch on any change, so don't expect any proper usability, if the sources grow larger. However, for the current sample grammar and sample text in this repository, the responsiveness can be called "instant" on my machine (2011 Windows PC box, Core i5 CPU, 16GB RAM, SSD).

Planned: Build a language-server for Visual Studio Code and other IDEs. See

Alternativly: Adopt RUST's way (via stdin/stdout and the RACER process) to provide suggestions to Visual Studio Code. See and its dependencies.

Alternativly: Build a JavaScript/TypeScript version of Coco/R with this extensions and implement the language service in Visual Studio Code's native language (node + ECMA Script 6). Maybe the C# sources can be transformed to JS by a tool to bootstrap the process.

Declarative, Language Independent AST

Status: evaluating usability

The main technical terms we like to introduce are hatching a token, sending up and priming. Denoted by the symbols # (hash - hatch), ^ (up) and ' (prime). Operating in a list context is marked by doubling the symbol.

  • hatching a token with # - push t on the stack. Call this a hatch.

  • hatching a token as a list with ## - push [t] on the stack. Call this a list hatch.

  • priming it with #' or ##' - instead of t, operate on Prime(t), where public overrode void Prime(Token t) can be defined in the COMPILER section and modifies a copy of the token t. Priming is commonly used to strip typical string-like decorators " from a token based on it's kind. Priming can only be combind with hatching a token.

  • give it a name with ##':name - append :name. Without such a name, the hatched token has no name. You can give it a name afterwards with ^ (up).

  • give it a value with ##':name=value - append =value, or ="string" if your value is not a valid Coco/R identifier. Commonly used after an optional literal terminal symbol.

Note: you can hatch a list of tokens after one Coco/R symbol. However, most of these tokens will be named constants.

Inside the scope of a production, unnamed and equally named hatches combine as an unnamed list or a list with the same name. This is even the case when any is a list, these lists are merged. Differently named hatches form an object with each hatch as a property under its name. An object hatch plus a named token hatch is combined in the object hatch.

Unnamed hatches can never be integrated in a hatch object. They stay on the stack until they can be combined.

  • send it up with ^ - give the topmost unnamed hatch the name of the preceeding Coco/R symbol lowercased. If there is no hatch, form a new empty object hatch {}.

  • send it up as a list with ^^ - give the topmost unnamed hatch the name of the preceeding Coco/R symbol lowercased and wrap it in a list. If it is an unnamed list, don't wrap it in a list again. If there is no hatch, form a new empty list hatch [].

  • give it a different name with ^^:name - append :name. Without such a name, the hatch is named by its preceeding Coco/R symbol.

Some special actions:

  • Join list to literal with +"." - take the list on top of the stack and form a literal by concatenation with the string after the +. Only valid at the production level, i.e. between the production declaration symbol and the = mark. The string can be missing, in this case join without a separator.

  • Take the source with + - when the AST stack is empty, then take the trimmed source of the production up to the start of the lookahead token la including comments and whitespace.

Token Positions

To associate an AST element with the parsed text, each element has an associated startToken and endToken, with the exception of empty objects and lists, that do not have a position in the parsed text.

The start and end token of an ASTLiteral, i.e. a hatched token, are this parsed token. And, going up the AST tree, these positions are widened as the AST gets constructed, so the startToken of an ASTList or an ASTObject is the first token in text ordering of each of its components. And analoguos the last one considering endToken.

You can serialize an AST Token with .ToString(Token at) in a JSON object string at a position at, that you might have e.g. from an editor. It adds an additional property $active as true to each ASTObject element's serialization, if the at Token lies between the startToken and endToken property of the respective ASTObject.

Coco/R Syntax extension:

// Coco/R grammar


As an example, we consider our previously used dictionary. We use this example shortened grammar:

COMPILER Dictionary
  Dictionary = Languages^^ { Term^^:terms }.      
  Languages = "languages" { ident ## }.
  Term = "term" string #:term  { Translation^^:translations }.
  Translation = ident #:lang  string #:text .

Example text:

languages EN DE
term "car" 
  DE "Auto"   DE "Fahrzeug"   EN "vehicle" 
term "cat" 
  DE "Katze"  EN "tiger"

Resulting AST in JSON notation:

  languages: ["EN", "DE],
  terms: [
      term: "car",
      translations: [
          {lang: "DE", text: "Auto"},
          {lang: "DE", text: "Fahrzeug"},
          {lang: "EN", text: "vehicle"}   ]
      term: "cat",
      translations: [
          {lang: "DE", text: "Katze"},
          {lang: "EN", text: "tiger"}     ]

Note: AST specific code and AST classes are only generated, if you use at least one AST syntax element in your attributed grammar.


Miscellaneous Topics.

Extended command line arguments

  • -ac - Turn on generation of autocomplete / intellisense information

  • -is - ignore semantic actions. With this switch turned on, you can generate and build a .Net parser library with autocomplete information from an attributed grammar file, that is written for a different language such as Java. Maybe only to use an autocomplete aware editor for the grammar, that probably is only available as a .Net program.

  • -utf8 - force UTF-8 processing, even if the input file doesn't have a byte order mark. This is the default e.g. if you use Visual Studio Code.

Languages - Subfolders

  • C# - CSharp - token inheritance beta, autocomplete information beta, symbol tables beta, non strict symbol tables beta, useonce and useall scopes beta, -is switch beta, -utf8 switch beta, editor beta, BOM free scanner beta AST alpha

  • VB.Net - VisualBasic - token inheritance beta

  • Java - (TBD) maybe, but not yet scheduled

  • Utilities/Hexdump - a utility to inspect files, in particular to see, if byte order marks are present.

Note: The generated code for .Net languages targets plain vanilla .Net Framework 2.0 compilers and libraries.


To generate parsers from attributed grammars, you only need these files from the language directory you choose:

  • coco.exe (built with build.bat if you don't have one yet)
  • scanner.frame
  • parser.frame
  • copyright.frame (optional)

There are no dependencies to use the generated scanners and parsers.


Coco/R, including this extension, is distributed under the terms
of the GNU General Public License (slightly extended).

This means that you have to open source any extension to Coco/R itself but you are licensed to use generated scanners and parsers in any software that you build, even for closed source projects:

As an exception, it is allowed to write an extension of Coco/R that is
used as a plugin in non-free software.

If not otherwise stated, any source code generated by Coco/R (other than 
Coco/R itself) does not fall under the GNU General Public License.


As an exception, it is allowed to write an extension of Coco/R that is used as a plugin in non-free software.

If not otherwise stated, any source code generated by Coco/R (other than Coco/R itself) does not fall under the GNU General Public License.

Contributions are very welcome. Please feel free to fork/clone this repository.

Known Bugs

see in the respective language folder.

Git Branches

There is currently only one branch. Other branches are either retired or not relevant for public use.

  • master - main development


Coco/R with inheritance of TOKENS






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