Plugins for Aliucord
Click on plugin name in README, move downloaded file to Aliucord/plugins
Makes codeblocks better by adding new languages, improving already existing and more. Uses parts of Markwon and Prism4j, licensed under Apache-2.0 License.
Allows you to customize nickname format.
Custom timestamps format everywhere.
Shows hidden Developer Options tab with Experiments.
Temporary saves deleted and edited messages. WIP. Released version without all planned features because a lot of people asked.
- whitelist/blacklist system
- notifications (partially done on my local version)
- saving data to json and loading it
Adds more slash commands.
- lenny
- mock
- spoilerfiles
- owofiy
- upper
- lower
- reverse
Disables reply mention by default.
Disables copying text from embeds.
PronounDB plugin for Aliucord - Shows other's people pronouns in chat, so your chances of mis-gendering them is low. Service by
- display in autocomplete
Removes maximum (and minimum) zoom limit.
Restores image links in chat.
Fixes showing @
in replies.
Display square avatars instead of circles.
Allows you to send custom tags.
Displays when user created account, joined to server and when sent last message in selected server / dm.
- custom format
- first message
View & Copy raw message and markdown.