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MPEG point cloud quality metric


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MPEG-3DG mpeg-pcc-dmetric metric software


CMakeLists.txt is provided for cmake to generate makefiles. General practice using cmake should be followed in order to compile the program.

Building script

Bash scripts can be use to build and clean mpeg-pcc-dmetric project:

  • build solutions.
  • clear solutions.

Build manually

Standard CMake build commands can be used to build the software depending on the system you used.

   cmake ./source -B build/Release
   cmake --build build/Release --config Release

"pc_error" to be generated under ./build/Release/Release/ folder.

Usage examples

The parameter of the pc_error softare are the following ones:

PCC quality measurement software, version 0.14.2

Error: File 1 parameters not correct
Error: File 2 parameters not correct

Usage: pc_error --fileA=infileA --fileB=infileB [options]

        --help=0            This help text
  -a,   --fileA=""          Input file 1, original version
  -b,   --fileB=""          Input file 2, processed version
  -n,   --inputNorm=""      File name to import the normals of original point
                            cloud, if different from original file 1n
  -s,   --singlePass=0      Force running a single pass, where the loop is
                            over the original point cloud
  -d,   --hausdorff=0       Send the Haursdorff metric as well
  -c,   --color=0           Check color distortion as well
  -l,   --lidar=0           Check lidar reflectance as well
  -r,   --resolution=0      Specify the intrinsic resolution
        --dropdups=2        0(detect), 1(drop), 2(average) subsequent points
                            with same coordinates
        --neighborsProc=1   0(undefined), 1(average), 2(weighted average),
                            3(min), 4(max) neighbors with same geometric
        --averageNormals=1  0(undefined), 1(average normal based on neighbors
                            with same geometric distance)
        --mseSpace=1        Colour space used for PSNR calculation
                            0: none (identity) 1: ITU-R BT.709 8: YCgCo-R
        --nbThreads=1       Number of threads used for parallel processing

   ./test/pc_error \
          --fileA=./loot/loot_vox10_1000.ply \
          --fileB=./S23C2AIR01_loot_dec_1000.ply \
          --inputNorm=./loot/loot_vox10_1000_n.ply \
          --color=1 \

The following command line computes the point cloud metrics between two point clouds.

./mpeg-pcc-dmetric/build/Release/Release/pc_error.exe \
    -a ./src/loot_vox10_1200.ply \
    -b ./dec/f3c85587_trisoup-raht_lossy-geom-lossy-attrs_loot_vox10_1200_r02.ply \
    -n ./src/loot_vox10_1200_n.ply \
    -c 1 \
    -r 1023

Software manual

More informations could be found in the user manuel.

this manual could be generate with the following command line:

./ --doc


MPEG input document m40522, "Updates and Integration of Evaluation Metric Software for PCC"