const mahboob = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["Python", "C", "Cpp"],
askMeAbout: ["Backend Web Dev", "Tech", "Sysdem Design", "Cloud", "Tech Blog", "Microservices", "Solo Travelling"],
technologies: {
backEnd: {
python: ["Django", "FasiAPI", "Flask"],
tools: ["Redis", "Celery", "WebSocket", "Django Rest Framework", "RabbitMQ", "RESTFul API", "Git"],
devOps: {
cloud: ["AWS", "Route53", "Nginx", "EC2", "Digital Ocean"],
tools: ["Docker🐳", "Linux"],
databases: {
sql: ["PostgreSQL", "MySql", "SQLite", "MongoDB"],
coreCS: {
subjects: ["Operating System", "Networking", "DBMS", "Data Structures and Algorithms"],
specialization: {
domain: ["python Backend Development", "System Design", "Networking", "Cloud", "AWS"]
misc: ["Socket Programmming", "webRTC", "Tech Blog", "Design Pattern"]
architecture: ["Microservices Architecture", "Monolithic Architecture", "Event Driven"],
currentFocus: "Advanced Backend Engineering and System Design with Specialization on AWS",
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works!"
Read my writings on Django, System Design, Microservices, etc. on
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I love connecting with people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to hear you more! 😊
Pick a slot to meet me and we can chat about anything on this planet! 😅