A small and simple module to manage and mutate amino acids and codons with python3
Manage amino acids one-letter code vs. three-letters code expressions.
Manage codon translation to amino acid by standard genetic code and synonymous codons.
Code to list all amino acids that are accessible by one nucleotide mutation from alanine.
# Imports
from Codon import AminoAcid, Codon
# Define alanine and all its possible codons
ala = AminoAcid("A")
ala_codons = ala.get_codons() # [Codon("GCA"), Codon("GCC"), ...], len=4
# List all possible codons accessible by one nucleotide mutation (from any alanine codon)
mutant_codons = []
for ala_codon in ala_codons:
mutant_codons += ala_codon.get_mutant_codons(n_mutations=1)
mutant_codons = list(set(mutant_codons)) # Clear Codons repetitions, len=28
# List all possible amino acids represented by those codons
mutant_aminoacids = [codon.aminoacid for codon in mutant_codons] # Codon -> AminoAcid, len=28
mutant_aminoacids = list(set(mutant_aminoacids)) # Clear AminoAcid repetitions, len=8
More usage examples can be found in usage_examples.py