Accompanying repository for association between viral loads and bee colony health in Belgium.
All source data can be found under the 'data' folder. To generate the figures, first clone the repository and create the conda environment:
git clone [email protected]:Matthijnssenslab/Beestat.git
cd Beestat
conda env create -f conda.yaml -n beestat
or if you have mamba
mamba env create -f conda.yaml -n beestat
and run
conda activate beestat
snakemake --cores 1 -s generate_figures.smk
If you have multiple threads available you can up the number of cores (though the entire workflow shouldn't take longer then a couple of minutes on a regular pc). The figures will be generated inside the 'output' folder, some dataframes will be generated inside the 'data' folder, prefixed with 'out_'.
- gadm41_BEL_4.json
geojson file for Belgium, downloaded from gadm
- metadata.tsv
contains spatial information (on commune level) for all samples.
- metagenomic_coverage.tsv
normalised coverage for all included viruses, as assayed in our metagenomic study
- qpcr_abs.tsv
Absolute quantification values (by qRT-PCR) for all seven included viruses.
- sequences.fasta
Raw (nucleotide) sequences for all seven viruses.
- trees/*
Different phylogenetic trees as inferred by iqtree (plotted in figure 1).