#Mac Automount permission issue fix. #
You may get some times an issue with permission with message: "The folder “Test” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents." You can fix the issue with run the script fix.sh
You can pass directoryies as parameters. It may be nessesary to delete ".DS_Store" in parent directory.
fix.sh ~/root ~/tmp ~/Movies
I created a script with my mount pount directory. Mac OSX runs the script after login and solve the issue if it is exist.
###The script will do:###
- disable wifi
- try to access mounted directory
- enable wifi
- try to access mounted directory
The mounted directory permission will be fixed.
##Setup automount instruction##
sudo nano /etc/fstab
YOUR_NAS:/YOUR_SHARE /Users/simon/Shares/Movies url auto,user,umask=775,url==afp://YOUR_LOGON:YOUR_PASS@YOUR_NAS/YOUR_SHARE 0 0
My Example: /Users/max/example url auto,user,umask=775,url==afp://user:[email protected]/example 0 0
sudo automount -vc
automount: /net updated
automount: /home updated
automount: /Users/max/example mounted
automount: no unmounts
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