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MecSimCalc Docs

Built using

Markdown docs

Markdown Emoji

Initial setup

  1. Install Node.JS
  2. Open a terminal and install use cd to go to the code directory
  3. Install packages: npm install
  4. Setup pre-commit hooks: pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install

Running local development site

  1. Run server npm run start
  2. Go to http://localhost:3000/

Deployment Site

  1. Build the site npm run build
  2. Deploy the site npm run serve


  1. Run git config core.ignorecase false in command line so github picks up on capitalization in file/folder names

Algolia DocSearch

Algolia is used to implement the search bar


Whenever text changes, Algolia needs to run a crawler to collect all the data

  1. Need to install jq
docker run -it --env-file=.env -e "CONFIG=$(cat algolia.config.json | jq -r tostring)" algolia/docsearch-scraper

Git Large File Storage (Git LFS)

  1. Install Git LFS:
    • On mac: brew install git-lfs
    • On linux: sudo apt install git-lfs
  2. Install it: git lfs install
  3. Configure files to use LFS
    • git lfs track "*.pkl" "*.pickle" "*.jpg" "*jpeg" "*.png" "*.mp4"
  4. To pull the files:
git lfs pull