A community-focused, online thrift store built using React, SCSS on the front-end and Ruby on Rails, PSQL on the back-end. You can try on clothes in the virtual dressing room using the Tensorflow API's Posenet model.
We used Figma to create our mockups, Draw.io for our ERDs, and Trello to organize and split up our work.
Project Contributors:
Complete walkthrough: https://recordit.co/otHseFCmhk
Profile Convos and Chat Window
Available Clothing Feed and Virtual Dressing Room
- React w/ Router
- Ruby on Rails
- ActionCable (web sockets)
- Sass
- Tensorflow API
- Posenet model
- Bcrypt
Install dependencies and start server on http://localhost:3000/
Run these commands from the root directory:
cd client
npm i
npm run start
Install dependencies, reset and seed database, and start API server on http://localhost:3001/
Run these commands from the root directory:
cd backend
bundle i
rails db:migrate:reset
rails db:seed
rails s -p 3001