Challenge: Modify the go code below to calculate the average temperature in the 100 largest cities in the United States at the current time. Handle any errors if a city is missing temperature data and skip that city in the final calculation.
package main
import (
type Coordinate struct {
Latitude float64
Longitude float64
const weatherCityUrlTemplate string = ",%f"
const weatherUrlTemplate string = ""
const cityUrls string = ""
func main() {
cityData, err := doGetRequest(cityUrls)
if err != nil {
cityDataParsed, _ := gabs.ParseJSON(cityData)
cities, _ := cityDataParsed.Path("records").Children()
cityCoordinates := [100]Coordinate{}
for i, city := range cities {
coord := city.Path("fields.coordinates").Data().([]interface{})
cityCoordinates = Coordinate{
Latitude: coord[0].(float64),
Longitude: coord[1].(float64),
func getCurrentTemperatureForCoordinates(coord Coordinate) float64 {
weatherCityData, err := doGetRequest(fmt.Sprintf(weatherCityUrlTemplate, coord.Latitude, coord.Longitude))
if err != nil {
weatherCitiesParsed, _ := gabs.ParseJSON(weatherCityData)
weatherCityWoeids := weatherCitiesParsed.Path("woeid").Data().([]interface{})
weatherURLFormatted := fmt.Sprintf(weatherUrlTemplate, int64(weatherCityWoeids[0].(float64)), time.Now().Year(),
int(time.Now().Month()), time.Now().Day())
weatherData, err := doGetRequest(weatherURLFormatted)
if err != nil {
weatherDataParsed, _ := gabs.ParseJSON(weatherData)
return weatherDataParsed.Path("the_temp").Data().([]interface{})[0].(float64)
func doGetRequest(url string) ([]byte, error) {
res, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return body, nil