ManiaPlanet XML-RPC (Server controller) in Node.JS for both TrackMania 2 and ShootMania.
- Install Node.JS
- Download JsControl and extract it somewhere
- Execute 'npm install' in the directory the package.json file is, or run Install dependencies.cmd if you're using Windows.
- Rename Plugins_SM or Plugins_TM to Plugins, according to the game you use.
- Rename config.sampleSM.js or config.sampleTM.js to config.js, according to the game you use.
- Open the just renamed config.js and set the four upper settings correctly.
- Install MySQL and set up a database. Execute the Sql/mysql.sql file on the just made MySQL database.
- Set the correct values in config_database.js.
- Execute 'node controller.js' in the directory the controller.js is inside. You can also just run Run.bat if you're using Windows.
- sax.
- xmlbuilder (required for partial use of xmlrpc)
- xmlrpc (partial - serializer and deserializer, modified)
- mysql (database)
Thanks to friedr1c3 for inspiration and several code snippets for the core. More contributions and support is always wanted :).