A collaboration between XXX modders, as hosted by ModFest.
BlanketCon '25 is an in-minecraft virtual event that runs from March 28th through March 31st, 2025.
This modpack contains all mods from the event - and the convention world, packed with community-made booths!
Key Features:
- Check out XXX convention "booths" built to show off mods, modpacks, and other modding projects!
- Explore a something something world with something themes!!
- Traverse the map by xyz stuff!
- Find and earn XXX collectible "shards", tracking booth visits, hidden secrets, and tricky challenges!
- Hang out with friends, attend keynotes and panels, and more!
- Funny joke about something about the thing! (huh?)
Missing you already...
BlanketCon is made possible by the modding community.
A full list of credits for each showcased mod can be found on the submissions page.
BlanketCon '25 runs in the spring of 2025 with in-game talks, Q&A panels, and mini-events.
Check out the ModFest website to see more events, or join our discord to tour or participate in the next event live!
A playlist of video recordings from the original event is available on YouTube.