Mostro release
This version dramatically improves privacy for users with keys management implementation, here an explanation.
Keys management
We have a lot of improvements and probably one of the most important is the final design of keys management, we started to discuss this idea in the previous quarter, keys management is a way clients rotate keys for every trade adding another privacy layer to gift wrap previous implementation, more detailed info here. Today we've merged
our main PR for implementing it on mostrod, we also implemented it on mostro-core and mostro-cli
Verifying the Release
In order to verify the release, you'll need to have gpg or gpg2 installed on your system. Once you've obtained a copy (and hopefully verified that as well), you'll first need to import the keys that have signed this release if you haven't done so already:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MostroP2P/mostro/main/keys/negrunch.asc | gpg --import
Once you have the required PGP keys, you can verify the release (assuming manifest.txt.sig and manifest.txt are in the current directory) with:
gpg --verify manifest.txt.sig manifest.txt
gpg: Firmado el jue 03 ago 2023 15:07:05 -03
gpg: usando RSA clave 1E41631D137BA2ADE55344F73852B843679AD6F0
gpg: Firma correcta de "Francisco Calderón <[email protected]>" [absoluta]
That will verify the signature of the manifest file, which ensures integrity and authenticity of the archive you've downloaded locally containing the binaries. Next, depending on your operating system, you should then re-compute the sha256 hash of the archive with shasum -a 256 <filename>
, compare it with the corresponding one in the manifest file, and ensure they match exactly.
What's Changed
- Some other removal of request_id by @arkanoider in #387
- Removed wrong request_id in messages by @arkanoider in #388
- feat(docker): unify mostro and relay compose by @jgmontoya in #392
- Dispute readability by @arkanoider in #390
- Improve Readme file by @grunch in #395
- disallow premium with fixed order by @Catrya in #400
- Keys management by @grunch in #398
- Rate user feature by @arkanoider in #404
- Fix: removed error when inserting a new user in db by @arkanoider in #406
- Bumps mostro core version by @grunch in #405
- update readme by @Catrya in #401
- Add missing cantdo reasons on cantdo msgs by @grunch in #407
- Add lightning node data to info event by @grunch in #408
- Code refactoring removing old actions by @grunch in #409
- Handle events with action TradePubkey by @grunch in #412
- Update dependencies by @grunch in #413
- Mostro database automatic creation by @arkanoider in #411
- Fix: Improves handle of messages in privacy mode by @grunch in #415
- Remove TradePubkey by @grunch in #419
- Handle next trade data on release by @grunch in #420
- Handle next trade on fiatsent by @grunch in #421
- Get the right next trade fields on release by @grunch in #422
- Hot fix updating order on fiat-sent by @grunch in #423
Full Changelog: v0.12.8...v0.13.0