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Relevant Signal Info

jlack1987 edited this page Jun 13, 2016 · 2 revisions


This page describes all of the signals that are populated by Valkyrie's motor controllers.

Turbodriver Signals

Temperature Sensors

Name Description Units Notes
BridgeTemp_C Located on the motor driver bridge circuitry. C This sensor will let you know when a driver is overheating. Overheating is typically caused by running large currents through the driver for an extended amount of time. Poor airflow across the driver heat sink can cause overheating. If a bridge overheats only on a particular actuator, please check fans and airflow.
MotorTemp_C Located on the motor stator windings. C This sensor will let you know when a motor is overheating.
LogicCardTemp_C Located on the motor drive logic circuitry. C This sensor gives the best approximation of ambient temperature near the motor driver. Large temperatures on this sensor implies poor airflow.

Kinematic Variables

Kinematic variables can be configured to use several different inputs or filters. The following are the recommended and default variables used at the time of writing.

Name Description Units Notes
JointAPS_Angle_Rad Angular position radians Calculated from 13-bit output sensor located at the output of the actuator.
JointAPS_Vel_Radps Angular velocity radians/sec Calculated from motor side encoder plus spring deflection sensor. The velocity calculation is a finite difference on position then filtered using an alpha filter.
JointTorque_Meas_Nm Torque Nm Calculated from 32 bit sensor located across the torsional spring.

Electrical Variables

Name Description Units Notes
BusVoltage_V Motor Bus Voltage at driver V Shows if driver is getting motor power. Can be used to diagnose wiring or power dropouts.
Current_Abs_Amps Driver output current A Moving average of absolute value of three phase current output by the motor driver.

Health Variables

Name Description Units Notes
Proc_HeartBeat Driver heart beat Increasing number sent from driver. Used to ensure comm and driver are active.
StatReg1 Status of driver commands
StatReg2 Status of driver faults

Forearm Signals

Forearm Status

Name Description Units Notes
OT_STATUS Status of the athena Any value other than 0 means that the athena board is faulted, faulting all actuators associated with that board

Additional Forearm Topics

Name Description Units Notes
currentPosRad Current Angular Position Rad Unique to Thumb Roll, gives the current position in Rad as read from the output hall effect sensor
Aps1_Raw Input Encoder Reading Counts read from 13-bit position sensor located on input side of motor shaft
Aps2_Raw Output Encoder Reading Counts read from 13-bit position sensor located on the output side of pulley motor system
ActualDuty Applied Duty Percent Duty percent that is actively applied to the motor

Sensor Topics

IMU Sensor Topics

Name Description Units Notes
QuaternionW w quaternion component rotation magnitude of quaternion as read by imu
QuaternionX x quaternion component x component of quaternion rotation as read by imu
QuaternionY y quaternion component y component of quaternion rotation as read by imu
QuaternionZ z quaternion component z component of quaternion rotation as read by imu
AngularVelocityX Imu angular velocity x rad/s angular velocity about the body fixed x axis of the imu
AngularVelocityY Imu angular velocity y rad/s angular velocity about the body fixed y axis of the imu
AngularVelocityZ Imu angular velocity z rad/s angular velocity about the body fixed z axis of the imu
LinearAccelerationX Imu linear acceleration x m/s^2 linear acceleration along the body fixed x axis of the imu
LinearAccelerationY Imu linear acceleration y m/s^2 linear acceleration along the body fixed y axis of the imu
LinearAccelerationZ Imu linear acceleration z m/s^2 linear acceleration along the body fixed z axis of the imu

Joint Data

Joint Name(s) Position Signal Source Velocity Signal Source Torque Signal Source
Hip Roll/Pitch/Yaw APS mounted on output Finite difference on motor encoder position + spring deflection Joint spring deflection sensor
Knee APS mounted on output Finite difference on motor encoder position + spring deflection Joint spring deflection sensor
Ankle Roll/Pitch APS mounted on output Pushrod transmission converting pushrod velocity to joint velocity. The pushrod velocity consists of linear pushrod velocity + spring deflection rate Pushrod transmission converting pushrod force to joint torque. Pushrod force is obtained via the Futek single axis force sensors
Torso Roll/Pitch APS mounted on output Pushrod transmission converting pushrod velocity to joint velocity. The pushrod velocity consists of linear pushrod velocity + spring deflection rate Pushrod transmission converting pushrod force to joint torque. Pushrod force is obtained via the Renishaw spring deflection sensors
Shoulder & Elbow Joints Roll/Pitch/Yaw APS mounted on output Finite difference on motor encoder position + spring deflection Joint spring deflection sensor