Kokiri is a framework used to build games and simulations. It uses the SDL2 layer to construct windows, renderers and to handle events. It uses OpenGL as the backend with the mind of supporting other backends in the future as well, although this may be quite difficult an effort should be put into to support at least Vulkan.
We use premake to generate the build files. This project is built as a static library so you'll need at least a C++ compiler compatible with the version 17.
Please make sure that the dependencies of this project are satisfied when
cloning, in other words: clone this project recursively (git clone --recursive
Other dependencies such as SDL might arise when compiling the target binary.
Use premake to generate the appropriate build files, such as Makefiles or Visual Studio files. In the following piece of text I describe how I build the library in a Linux distribution.
$ premake gmake2
Building configurations...
Running action 'gmake2'...
Generated Makefile...
Generated kokiri/Makefile...
Done (433ms)
$ # proceed to build using Makefile on Linux
$ make -j 4