Japanese Dictionary/Anki flashcard generator
A desktop application to look up english/japanese words and create Anki flashcards.
Uses the fantastic jisho.org search api, and example sentences from the Tatoeba project.
Written in Rust, using Iced: a cross-platform GUI library focused on simplicity and type-safety. Inspired by Elm.
Development Dependencies
- libexpat1-dev
- libfreetype6-dev
- libfontconfig1-dev
Generating Anki flash cards
This is what I use this application for primarily. Simply click the button "Save Anki Flashcard" on the Kanji detail page.
It will create a csv file called 'japanese_words_anki_import.txt', which you can load into Anki using the import button.
You must create a "Note type" so that that the fields can be put in the right positions. I created one called Japanese Basic and it looks like this:
See the official documentation on Anki importing at https://docs.ankiweb.net/importing.html.