Microservice to relay and dispatch timeouts.
- ❤️ Easy to Use — You can create a WebSocket client for this in ~1 minute or so.
- ⚡ Robust — Made to be fast and performant
Originally, this was made for Nino and it should be small and easy to use, but as the bot will grows, it will need to dispatch more and more on different nodes and such, so v2 and onwards will persist and apply timeouts on every server restart! In v1, you would have to tell the server what needs to be applied.
Before you can run the timeouts service, you will need the following:
- Redis v6.2+
- Go v1.17+
Optional tools:
- Docker
- Sentry
# 1. Pull the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/NinoDiscord/timeouts && cd timeouts
# 2. Build the project
# If you're using Windows, install Make with chocolatey: `choco install make`
$ make build
# 3. Run the project
$ ./build/timeouts # Attach `.exe` at the end of this command if using Windows.
You can use the image we provide on the GitHub Container Registry:
# 1. Pull the image down to your system
$ docker pull ghcr.io/ninodiscord/timeouts/timeouts:latest
# 2. Run the image
$ docker run -d -p 4250:4250 -e AUTH=... ghcr.io/ninodiscord/timeouts/timeouts:latest
@nino/timeouts is released under the MIT License, read here for more information.