Blog engine using GitHub issues as backend
GitHub Pages is a web hosting tool that allow to easily edit your webpages using Jekyll, and that can be used to host your own blog. Problem is that it only allow to use static content, so you need to use external services as Disquss to manage your blog comments.
NodeOS team mostly use GitHub issues and email for communication and notify and discuss updates and progress, so they are already being used as a blog engine. Needing to use another tool to receive users feedback was a wasted effort, so since it only needed a cleaner interface to don't scare non-tech savvy people... that's how GitBlog was worn :-)
- server-less webapp, it directly does request to GitHub Issues API
- multi-page design to show independent pages for each post
- user authentication to override GitHub API limits
- user comments
- integration with other platforms (GitLab, BitBucket, Google Code, Redmine...)