This is a Java tool for testing bots for CodinGame multiplayer Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe.
Compile sources. Run Tester.class with params:- Command line to start a new version of your bot process
- Command line to start an old version of your bot process
- Number of games
java Tester "java -cp C:\Documents\CodinGame\TicTacToe\out\ Player" "java -cp C:\Documents\CodinGame\TicTacToe\out\ PlayerOld" 100
java - jar TicTacToeTester.jar "java -cp C:\Documents\CodinGame\TicTacToe\out\ Player" "java -cp C:\Documents\CodinGame\TicTacToe\out\ PlayerOld" 100
During the testing you will see result of testing of current game:
Game 192: frame 41; WIN; avg 1,41; wins 58,85%
At the end of the run you will see a result of testing. Something like:
Results for bot java -cp C:\Documents\CodinGame\TicTacToe\out\ Player
Wins: 117; Loses: 83; Draws: 0
Average place 1.415
Wins 58.5 %
This means that new version is better than the old one.
The result like “Average place 1.5” means that both bots are equal.
NOTE: There is no any timelimits for testing bots.