Small 3D printed squeezebox player based on a Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Zero W
- HiFiBerry MiniAMP
- 2" Inch 4Ohm 3W Speaker
- Rotary encoder
- 8x M3 ca. 18mm
- 8x M3 ca. 5mm
- 8x M3 Nut
- piCorePlayer []
- SqueezeButtonPi-Daemon []
- In the piCorePlayer webgui select "Advanced" on the bottom of the main page.
- Install the extension pcp-sbpd.tcz
- In the Squeezelight Tab, select HiFiBerry DAC Zero/MiniAMP as audio output device
- Create a executable file
with the content:
# start pigpiod daemon
pigpiod -t 0 -f -l -s 10
# wait for pigpiod to initialize - indicated by 'pigs t' exit code of zero
count=10 # approx time limit in seconds
while ! pigs t >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do
if [ $((count--)) -le 0 ]; then
printf "\npigpiod failed to initialize within time limit\n"
exit 1 # or however you want to deal with failure
# printf "\nWaiting for pigpiod to initialize\n"
sleep 1
printf "\npigpiod is running\n"
# load uinput module - required to be able to send keystrokes
# then set the permission to group writable, so you don't need to run sbpd with
sudo modprobe uinput
sudo chmod g+w /dev/uinput
# issue the sbpd command
sbpd e,22,27,VOLU b,26,PLAY -d
- Backup the configuration in the Main Page
- Under Tweaks add the command
to user commands. (Pin numbers depend on setup)