GNN for Histopathology Image Captioning (working on it now). The link to download dataset is here.
After downloading, the dataset folder structure should be as below:
├── ...
├── Images # Image Folder
│ ├── ... # All the images are here
├── train_annotation.json # original training annotation file
├── test_annotation.json # original testing annotation file
└── ...
We first engage in dataset splitting. Origianl dataset only split train and test. We will further split test to create a valuation set and a testing set. We will also split the image according to the data split. We will have 1000 set as testing and 889 as evaluation set. To split data, run the file
python3 --dataset_path /path/to/image/data_path
After running data_split, data structure should be as below
├── ...
├── Images # Image Folder
│ ├── train # All the images for training set
│ ├── eval # All the images for evaluation set
│ └── test # All the images for testing set
├── train_annotation.json # original training annotation file
├── eval_annotation.json # original testing annotation file
├── test_annotation.json # original testing annotation file
└── ...
Graph Building part of the code mainly followed the process in Hact-Net. To run Graph Building, Run the graph building file.
It will generate a cell graph, tissue graph and assignment matrix for each image.
Nuclei Detection
specifically cell detection. This is done using the histocartography package. General rule is to use a pretrained HoverNet. Then extract a square patches around the detected nuclei. Patch size is set at 72 x 72 pixels. Feature extractor is a ResNet34 pretrained on Imagenet. -
Tissue Detection
Hierarchical Graph