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This is a repository containing my solutions to Hackerrank problems.

Problem (Link) Points
2D array - ds 15
3D surface area 30
Absolute permutation 40
ACM ICPC team 25
Almost sorted 50
Alternating characters 20
Anagram 25
And xor or 70
Angry professor 20
Append and delete 20
Apple and orange 10
Array and simple queries 80
Array manipulation 60
Array pairs 100
Arrays - ds 10
A very big sum 10
Balanced brackets 25
Balanced forest 18
Bear and steady gene 50
Beautiful binary string 20
Beautiful pairs 30
Beautiful days at the movies 15
Beautiful quadruples 50
Beautiful triplets 20
Between two sets 10
Bigger is greater 35
Big sorting 20
Bill division 10
Binary search tree: insertion 20
Binary search tree: lowerst common ancestor 30
Birthday cake candles 10
Breadth first search: shortest reach 55
Breaking the records 10
Caesar cipher 15
Camel case 15
Camel case 4 100
Cats and a mouse 15
Castle on the grid 100
Cavity map 30
Chief hopper 100
Chocolate feast 25
Circular array rotation 20
Climbing the leaderboard 20
Closest numbers 35
Common child 100
Compare the triplets 10
Compare two linked lists 5
Components in a graph 50
Connected cells in a grid 50
Contacts 100
Correctness and the loop invariant 30
Costly intervals 45
Counting on a tree 44
Counting sort 1 30
Counting sort 2 30
Counting valleys 15
Count luck 50
Cube summation 100
Cut the sticks 25
Cut the tree 50
Cycle detection 5
Day of the programmer 15
Delete a node 5
Delete duplicate-value nodes from a sorted linked list 5
Designer pdf viewer 20
Determining DNA health 50
Diagonal difference 10
Direct connections 60
Divisible sum pairs 10
Drawing book 10
Dynamic array 15
Down to zero II 40
Electronics shop 15
Ema's supercomputer 40
Equalize the array 20
Equal stacks 100
Encryption 30
Even tree 50
Fair rations 25
Find digits 25
Find maximum index product 100
Find merge point of two lists 5
Find the median 35
Find the running median 100
Flatland space stations 25
Floyd: City of blinding lights 100
Forming a magic square 100
Fraudulent activity notifications 40
Funny string 25
Game of thrones 30
Game of two stacks 30
Gemstones 20
Gena playing hanoi 100
Get node value 5
Grading students 10
Gridland metro 25
Hackerland radio transmitters 100
Halloween sale 20
Happy ladybugs 30
Hackerrank in a string 20
Highest value palindrome 100
Ice cream parlor 100
Insert a node at a specific position in linked list 5
Insert a node at the head of a linked list 5
Insert a node at the tail of a linked list 5
Insert a node into a sorted doubly linked list 5
Insertion sort advanced analysis 50
Insertion sort - part 1 30
Insertion sort - part 2 30
Intro to tutorial challenges 30
Is this a binary search tree? 30
Jack goes to rapture 100
Jenny's subtrees 66
Jesse and cookies 100
Jim and the skyscrapers 60
Journey to the moon 100
Jumping on the clouds 20
Jumping on the clouds: revisited 15
Kindergarten adventrues 30
Kitty's calculation on a tree 52
Kruskal (MST): Really special subtree 50
Kundu and tree 80
Largest permutation 30
Largest rectangle 100
Larry's array 40
Left rotation 20
Library fine 15
Lily's homework 100
Lisa's workbook 25
Luck balance 20
Making anagrams 30
Manasa and stones 30
Mark and toys 35
Mars exploration 15
Matrix layer rotation 80
Maximum element 20
Maximum palindromes 40
Median updates 70
Marc's cakewalk 15
Maximum perimeter triangle 20
Merge two sorted linked lists 5
Merging communities 100
Migratory birds 10
Mini-max sum 10
Minimum absolute difference in an array 15
Minimum average waiting time 80
Minimum distances 20
Minimum loss 1 100
Missing numbers 45
Modified kaprekar numbers 30
Morgan and a string 100
Mr. X and his shots 50
New year chaos 40
Non-divisible subset 20
No prefix set 100
Number line jumps 10
Organizing containers of balls 30
Pairs 50
Palindrome index 25
Palindromic subsets 80
Pangrams 20
Picking numbers 20
Plus minus 10
Poisonous plants 70
Polynomial division 60
Prim's (MST): Special subtree 100
Print in reverse 5
Print the elements of a linked list 5
Priyanka and toys 30
Red knight's shortest path 60
Repeated string 20
Reverse a doubly linked list 5
Reverse a linked list 5
Running time of algorithms 30
Qheap 1 25
Queen's attack II 30
Queries with fixed length 100
Queue using two stacks 100
Quicksort 1 - partition 10
Roads and libraries 100
Sales by match 10
Save the prisoner 15
Self balancing tree 50
Self driving bus 52
Separate the numbers 20
Sequence equation 20
Service lane 20
Sherlock and anagrams 100
Sherlock and array 40
Sherlock and squares 20
Sherlock and the beast 30
Sherlock and the valid string 35
Short palindrome 100
Simple array sum 10
Simple text editor 65
Snakes and ladders: the quickest way up 50
Solve me first 1
Sparse arrays 25
Square-ten tree 60
Staircase 10
Stock maximize 100
String construction 25
Strong password 15
Subarray division 10
Subsequence weighting 60
Super maximum cost queries 60
Super reduced string 10
Swap nodes [Algo] 40
Taum and b'day 25
The coin change problem 100
The full counting sort 40
The grid search 30
The hurdle race 15
The love letter mystery 20
The maximum subarray 100
The story of a tree 50
The strange function 15
The time in words 25
Time conversion 15
Tree: height of a binary tree 10
Tree: huffman decoding 20
Tree: level order traversal 20
Tree: inorder traversal 10
Tree: preorder traversal 10
Tree: postorder traversal 10
Tree: top view 20
Truck tour 50
Two characters 100
Two two 150
Two strings 25
Unique colors 7
Utopian tree 20
Waiter 100
Weighted uniform strings 100
Viral advertising 15


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