Telegram Vixen Bot is a bot for automatically banning spammers in Telegram chats. Written in Dart that helps prevent spam in Telegram groups by generating and sending CAPTCHA challenges to new users with a virtual keyboard. It automatically deletes initial messages from unverified users and supports multiple blocking modes.
- CAPTCHA Verification: Requires new users to complete a CAPTCHA before they can send messages.
- Blocking Modes: Supports different verification and restriction mechanisms.
- Admin API: Provides an API for managing bot settings and operations.
- SQLite Storage: Stores persistent data in an SQLite database.
- Group-Specific Monitoring: Watches only designated groups.
- Metrics Support: Tracks bot performance and user activity.
- Flexible Configuration: Configurable via command-line arguments,
file, or environment variables. - Cross-Platform: Runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, Docker. AMD64 and ARM64 architectures are supported.
- Open-Source: Available under the MIT License.
- Reports: Sends reports about activity in the chat.
The bot supports configuration via command-line arguments, environment variables, or a .env
Ensure you have Dart SDK installed. Then, run:
dart pub get
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
You can start the bot using command-line arguments:
dart run bin/vixen.dart --token=123:ABC-DEF --chats=123,-456,-789 --secret=1234567890
Or set the configuration using environment variables:
export CONFIG_CHATS="123,-456,-789"
export CONFIG_SECRET="1234567890"
dart run bin/vixen.dart
Alternatively, create a .env
echo "token=123:ABC-DEF" > .env
echo "chats=123,-456,-789" >> .env
echo "secret=1234567890" >> .env
Then, start the bot:
dart run bin/vixen.dart
Argument | Environment | Description | Default |
-t --token |
(Required) Telegram bot token | — |
-c --chats |
Comma-separated list of chat IDs | — |
-s --secret |
Secret admin API key | — |
-d --db |
Path to the SQLite database file | data/vixen.db |
-a --address |
Address to bind the server to | |
-p --port |
Port to bind the server to | 8080 |
-v --verbose |
Logs: all /debug /info /warn /error |
warn |
To see all available options, run:
dart run bin/vixen.dart --help
dart pub get
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
dart compile exe bin/vixen.dart -o
docker build -t vixen:latest .
docker compose up
If you want to support the development of our library, there are several ways you can do it:
We appreciate any form of support, whether it's a financial donation or just a star on GitHub. It helps us to continue developing and improving our library. Thank you for your support!
This project is licensed under The MIT License.