Monorepo containing all the libraries, applications, terraform and github actions required to build/test/deploy/release the PolicyEngine api V2.
- install poetry
make build
- install and pytest all libraries and projects.
NOTE: MOST development should be possible locally. Deployment is slow and hard to debug. Change with caution
- One time setup - this will create a new project in your GCP account you can deploy the api to.
- Create a gcp account with organization
- authenticate with gcloud as a user with permission to create projects.
- Have your organization ID and billing account number handy.
cd terraform/infra-policyengine-api && make bootstrap
- You should now have a terraform/.bootstrap_settings folder containing your project settings.
- build the api docker image
cd projects/policyengine-api-full && make deploy
- There should now be a new hash under the tag "desktop" in the project artifact repository.
- deploy to the cloud
cd terraform/project-policyengine-api-full && make deploy
- The cloudrun service should now be running using the latest image version of the tag "deksop" from your project artifact respository
checkout a clean version of the repository you cannot bootstrap more than one project in a workspace at a time.
- bootstrap the beta project
- have your github repo owner id and repo (i.e. org/repo) ready
- have your GCP organization id and billing account number ready
- log into your gcp account via gcloud as a user able to create projects.
cd terraform/project-poicyengine-api && make bootstrap_beta
- configure github
- create a new environment in your github repo settings called "beta" and, using the ouput of the bootstrap, configure the following values
- REGION (generally us-central1)
- PROJECT_ID (in the output of the bootstrap target)
- _GITHUB_IDENTITY_POOL_PROVIDER_NAME (in the output of the bootstrap build target)
- create a new environment in your github repo settings called "beta" and, using the ouput of the bootstrap, configure the following values