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Player editor
Those are new type of character, which can be selected from character select screen and change the songs available in freeplay.
Editor for those is acsessable from the master debug menu under the name of "Player editor"
This editor saves characters in the same format V-Slice(Base game) uses, which means you could also use this as an aid in creating custom characters for V-Slice mods.
Upon opening you should see the screen like this:
It looks similar to the original character selection screen with an additional window.
The real name of your character (also known as it's "id"). It determinates which chill character and nametag to use.
In case you're confused about the exact paths for those assets, feel free to open the game from "cmd.exe" and look into the logs.
Readable name
The human readable name for your character to be used for... something
Show unassigned songs
If checked, this character will also own any song, that isn't owned by any character ("freeplayCharacter" is empty in the manifest)
Sets the position of character in the select screen. I won't explain it any further, so just play around and see for yourself.
Reloads the character from the available characters either in your mod, or in the base P-Slice.
It loads ".json" character file.
Anims preview
Opens up animation previewer for your character's "chill" sprite.
Edit freeplay
Opens up editor for the freeplay part of your character.
Anims preview
Opens up animation previewer for your gf's "chill" sprite.
Reloads gf's sprite from provided "Asset path" loading with JSFL metadata from "JSFL anim folder".
Asset path
The path to your gf's atlas sprite. It's originated from either "mods//images/" or "assets/shared/images"
JSFL anim folder
The path to the JSFL folder with metadata used to define her sliding movement. Funkin Crew would probably be able to tell more about this format.
Use visualiser
Whethever or not your gf character supports visualiser.
How does that work? I dunno, but I know Nene has visualiser, so you could look into her FLA files to figure that out.
It allows you to to preview the animations of your characters. It does that by gathering available "labels" from your atlas sprites and showing them in the menu on the left.
Controls for it are located in the help menu (in the bottom right corner)
This section lets you customise the way your character will appear in the freeplay. You can look into a help page here to see the controls for the anim preview (which has some additional functionality here).
Asset path
Path to your freeplat DJ. It's originated from either "mods//images/" or "assets/shared/images".
Reloads your freeplay DJ sprite from the "Asset path".
Scroll texts
Those are texts, that scroll behind your DJ. They are dynymically updated, which means that you can easily preview different texts and see how they fit.
Note: I haven't tested those
Here you can edit key frames for "Victory" ("fistPump" anim) and "Loss" ("loss" anim) when getting a new rank. Please note that these are frame indexes, where anim previewer displaus frame numbers instead (indexes start from 0, frame numbers start from 1)
"Intro" frames loop before slamming the freeplay card back into the freeplay.
"Loop" frames play after the "Intro", after which the DJ returns back to "Idle" animation.
Left are the start frames, and right are the end frames. You can additionally put "-1" as a end frame. In this case the animation will play till it's last frame.
This acts as a way to manage animation contained within your DJ. This section will update with animation previewer.
The name for this animation. That's the name freeplay will search animations by.
The name of the animation in the atlas sprite. Most likely it'll be the name of the symbolcontained within the sprite.
If you set an incorrect prefix here, the animation's name in the preview will turn red and no animation will play.
Offsets (x,y)
Changes the offsets for the active animation. This can also be done with animation previewer.
Creates a new blank animation. You can have up to 20 animations defined.
Deletes currently selected animation. You need to have at least one animation left, otherwise you won't be able to remove it.