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Customize Stream Path

dominick edited this page Feb 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

Herein we describe streaming (VOD) video-on-demand files from a directory other than the default location (streams). Using an implementation of the IStreamFilenameGenerator allows your files to be in any application accessible location; whether it be a folder inside your Web application, or an NFS mounted directory.

File Name Generator Service

In Red5, the generator provides a service functionality to a particular scope. Each scope can have its own IStreamFilenameGenerator to generate the file name of the VOD stream for recording or playback.

Custom generator

Shown below is an example implementation

import org.red5.server.api.scope.IScope;  

public class CustomFilenameGenerator implements IStreamFilenameGenerator {
  /** Path that will store recorded videos */  
  public String recordPath = "recordedStreams/";  

  /** Path that contains VOD files */  
  public String playbackPath = "videoStreams/";  

  /** Set if the path is absolute or relative */  
  public boolean resolvesAbsolutePath;  

  public String generateFilename(IScope scope, String name, GenerationType type) {  
    // Generate the file name without the extension
    return generateFilename(scope, name, null, type);  
  public String generateFilename(IScope scope, String name, String extension, GenerationType type) {  
    String filename;  
    if (type == GenerationType.RECORD) {  
      filename = recordPath + name;  
    } else {  
      filename = playbackPath + name; 
    if (extension != null) {  
      // add the extension
      filename += extension; 
    return filename;  

  public boolean resolvesToAbsolutePath() {
    return resolvesAbsolutePath;  

  public void setRecordPath(String path) {  
    recordPath = path;  
  public void setPlaybackPath(String path) {  
    playbackPath = path;  
  public void setAbsolutePath(boolean absolute) {  
    resolvesAbsolutePath = absolute;  


The class above generates a file name such as recordedStreams/red5RecordDemo1234.flv for stream to be recorded and uses the directory videoStreams as playback source for all VOD requests.

Activating custom generator

The next step is to add the custom generator to the configuration file for the desired application. You will need to edit your application configuration located here: yourApp/WEB-INF/red5-web.xml.

<bean id="streamFilenameGenerator" class="Path.To.Your.CustomFilenameGenerator" /> 

Changing the paths

To modify the paths used for playback and recording, they must be set via the bean as shown below. For absolute paths, ensure that absolute paths are supplied and that the absolutePath property is set to true.

<bean id="streamFilenameGenerator" class="Path.To.Your.CustomFilenameGenerator">  
   <property name="recordPath" value="/home/myuser/recordings" />  
   <property name="playbackPath" value="/home/public/streams" />  
   <property name="absolutePath" value="true" />  

This is an example of application relative paths:

<bean id="streamFilenameGenerator" class="Path.To.Your.CustomFilenameGenerator">  
   <property name="recordPath" value="recordings/" />  
   <property name="playbackPath" value="playback/" />  