This repository is contains the result of a school assignment on the subject of Machine Learning. The assignment description can be found below:
Fashion-MNIST ( is a dataset of Zalando's article images—consisting of a training set of 60,000 examples and a test set of 10,000 examples. Each example is a 28x28 grayscale image, associated with a label from 10 classes.
Part 1 Modelling, PCA and evaluation
- Load the dataset and split into a training set and test set.
- Train a Random Forest classifier on the dataset and time how long it takes, then evaluate the resulting model on the test set.
- Next, use PCA to reduce the dataset's dimensionality (with an explained variance ratio of 95%).
- Train a new Random Forest classifier on the reduced dataset and measure how long it takes.
- Was training much faster?
- Evaluate the classifier on the test set: how does it compare to the previous classifier?
- Apply softmax regression (using the original dataset) and time how long it takes, then evaluate the resulting model on the test set.
- Apply softmax regression (using the reduced dataset) and time how long it takes, then evaluate the resulting model on the test set.
- What can you conclude from the results?
Part 2. Visualisation
- Use t-SNE to reduce the MNIST dataset down to two dimensions and plot the result using Matplotlib. Use dimensionality on a random subset of 12,500 images.
- Plot a scatterplot using different colours for each class.
- What can you conclude?
- Now try t-SNE for a combination of 3 labels: sneaker, bag and t-shirt